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What Happens During Alcohol Addiction Therapy?

More than 15 million people over the age of 12 in the United States struggle with alcoholism. Unfortunately, this condition can have an overwhelming impact on every facet of a person’s life. 

There are many cases where people want to overcome their addiction and get the help that they need. Not knowing what to expect is often one of the reasons why people shy away from going through alcohol addiction therapy. Having a better understanding of what to expect can help you make a more informed decision regarding getting the treatment so you can take back control of your life.

What is Alcohol Addiction Therapy? 

Alcohol addiction therapy is a type of structured program that provides help to those who suffer from alcohol addiction. This type of therapy is designed to help individuals overcome their addiction by ridding their bodies of substances and helping them develop healthy habits that can help them resist urges and live an alcohol-free life.

Alcohol addiction therapy is generally offered as an outpatient treatment, an inpatient treatment, or an intensive outpatient treatment. The type of treatment that a person will undergo will generally be determined by whether or not they have gone through treatment before, if they have the freedom or flexibility to be admitted into an inpatient center, or if they want to continue managing their home, work, or go to school.

Any person who struggles with alcohol addiction or alcohol use can benefit from alcohol addiction therapy. These treatments are designed to provide people with the tools that they need to resist harmful substances and live a healthier life.

What Happens in Alcohol Addiction Therapy?

People who enter alcohol addiction therapy generally learn new healthy habits that can help them achieve long-term sobriety. There are several things that a person will do once they enter alcohol addiction therapy.

The first thing that they will have to do is go through an intake process. The intake process involves working with a recovery specialist to determine what you are struggling with and how alcohol addiction therapy can help. During intake, you will be presented with multiple questions, meet with doctors, undergo a physical examination, and go through other testing in order to determine the best option for your particular case.

After the intake process, you will begin detoxification. The detox process lasts between one and two weeks and involves you going through the process of removing harmful substances from your body. While going through detox, you may experience withdrawal symptoms. These can include:

  • Mood swings
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Problem sleeping


Given the fact that these symptoms can be severe, you will detox while under the supervision of a medical supervisor to ensure your safety.

After detox,  you will begin to participate in various types of alcohol addiction therapy

Every Case Is Unique

When it comes to developing an alcohol addiction therapy plan, it is important to understand that every individual is unique. One person’s needs will be drastically different from the rest. For this reason, a medical professional will review your current situation, your goals, and your plans for recovery in order to determine the best course of action moving forward.

In nearly every case, alcohol addiction therapy will involve various types of treatment that are designed to help individuals develop healthy habits, make responsible decisions, and live a happier life. Altogether, alcohol addiction therapy will help to heal you as a whole person rather than just focus on your addiction.

Types of Alcohol Addiction Therapy Offered 

There are several types of therapy that are generally incorporated into an alcohol addiction treatment program. 

Cognitive behavioral therapy tends to be one of the most effective types of therapy for alcoholism. This therapy helps individuals find the connection between their feelings and thoughts and their use of alcohol to cope. Making a strong connection between any existing mental health problems and alcoholism can help you to develop ways to resist alcoholism to deal with them.

Dialectical behavioral therapy is another type of treatment that is offered for people in alcohol addiction therapy. This type of treatment focuses on building skills that help patients improve their lives. DBT is designed to help people find a balance between painful experiences and the need to accept the consequences. Far too often, many people associate painful experiences with their need to use alcohol. This type of therapy provides them with healthy skills to resist the urge to turn to alcohol use in order to cope with challenging times.

Several types of holistic treatments are generally offered as well in alcohol addiction therapy. These include art therapy, massage therapy, music therapy, and even exercise. These therapies are designed to help individuals who have struggled with addiction implement healthy patterns and activities into their life. These activities will help them overcome some of the emotional trauma and challenges that they face and instill good habits into their daily schedule.

Life After Alcohol Addiction Therapy

After going through alcohol addiction therapy, you will want to continue implementing all of the healthy habits and activities that you have learned throughout your treatment into your life. Routinely exercising, engaging in artistic activities, and continuing to resist the use of alcohol in order to cope with your challenges are critical to your recovery.

In some cases, people can benefit significantly from community groups and gatherings. Many people benefit from Alcoholics Anonymous, twelve-step programs, and other community action groups. These groups provide people with the ability to meet with others who struggle with addiction as well. Through group therapy, people can discuss their challenges and ways to cope. 

Let Our Team at Inner Voyage Recovery Center Help

Our addiction experts at Inner Voyage Recovery Center understand what it takes to overcome an addiction. We are fully committed to helping individuals who struggle with alcoholism read their bodies of these harmful substances and live a happier and substance-free life of sobriety.

Our proven therapy modalities are designed to help you dissect the reason behind her addiction and find a way out. Contact our team now to get started on alcohol addiction therapy so you can regain control of your life.

How Long Do Shrooms Stay in Your System?

Because shrooms are natural substances that don’t contain any synthetic chemicals, some people believe that this makes them safe to use. But do you know the truth about shrooms? For example: What happens when you take them? How do they affect your body and mind? Are they dangerous? How long do shrooms remain in your system?

What Are Shrooms?

The terms shrooms and magic mushrooms can refer to a number of naturally occurring fungi that can induce hallucinogenic effects when ingested.

Archeological evidence suggests that people in some parts of the world were using shrooms thousands of years ago. In ancient times, shrooms were most likely ingested as part of religious ceremonies. Today, they are still used for religious purposes in some cultures, though their use has also spread to people who are seeking a recreational psychedelic experience.

Mushrooms that fall into the “magic” or shroom category contain a compound known as psilocybin. This substance can be found in more than 200 different types of mushrooms, though the amount of psilocybin (and thus the potency of the mushroom) can vary considerably. 

Albert Hofmann, who in the 1930s was the first person to synthesize lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) was later involved in the research that identified psilocybin in a species of mushroom that is native to Mexico. 

When a person uses shrooms, their body converts the psilocybin into a substance called psilocyn. Psilocyn interacts with serotonin receptors within the central nervous system. These interactions lead to the hallucinogenic or psychedelic effects that shrooms are known for.

What Happens When You Take Shrooms?

Shrooms can be ingested in a variety of ways. Some people eat them (either alone, mixed with other food, or infused into a gummy), while others brew them into a tea. They can also be ground into a powder and taken in capsule form. Research indicates that how long shrooms remain in your system can vary by means of ingestion.

Depending on several factors, including a person’s age, weight, and metabolism, as well as what type of shroom they have taken, potential effects include the following:

  • Dilated pupils
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Accelerated heart rate
  • Elevated body temperature
  • Headache and stomach ache
  • Auditory and visual hallucinations
  • Distorted perceptions of time and space
  • Sense of being detached from one’s thoughts and surroundings
  • Altered thinking patterns
  • Sense of profound euphoria
  • Dramatic mood swings
  • Panic or paranoia
  • Intense fear

The effects of shrooms typically begin to set in within 5-40 minutes, and they usually last for three to six hours.

How Long Do Shrooms Stay in Your System?

Determining the amount of time that any drug remains detectable in your system depends on which type of test is being used. Common drug screens typically involve one of the following: saliva, urine, blood, or hair. However, most standard drug screens are not set up to detect shrooms.

However, if you are taking a drug screen that is specifically testing for psilocybin, it can be valuable to know how long do shrooms remain in your system.

According to a May 2021 article, the elimination half-life of psilocybin is about three hours. Half-life is the amount of time it takes for half of a substance to be eliminated. Experts typically estimate that it takes four to five half-lives for a substance to fall below a detectable level.

Using that formula, the answer to the question how long do shrooms remain in your system is about 15 hours. Of course, this is just an estimate. The rate of a person’s metabolism and the amount and potency of the mushroom they have taken are among several factors that can influence how long shrooms remain in their system. 

Are Shrooms Dangerous?

There is no such thing as safe shroom use. When a person uses shrooms, they expose themselves to both immediate and long-term harm. The potential dangers of shrooms include:

  • Panic attack
  • Delusions
  • Profound disorientation
  • Delirium
  • Psychosis
  • Flashbacks
  • Accidental poisoning

The poising risk can be life-threatening, because shrooms can look similar to certain toxic fungi. Depending on which type of poisonous mushroom a person ingests, the possible effects can include:

  • Nausea and diarrhea
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Disrupted heart rate and pulse
  • Respiratory failure
  • Kidney failure
  • Liver failure
  • Convulsions
  • Coma
  • Death

Also, people who are under the effects of shrooms may incur physical harm due to slips, falls, or other accidents that result from diminished coordination and impaired judgment.

Finally, psilocybin is classified as a Schedule I controlled substance in the United States. This means that, as defined by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), shrooms have no recognized medical value and a high risk of abuse. People who possess shrooms for illicit recreational purposes may be arrested, fined, and incarcerated. 

Find Treatment for Hallucinogen Abuse in Atlanta, GA

If you have been abusing shrooms, LSD, or other hallucinogenic drugs, you may benefit from professional help. Inner Voyage Recovery Center offers personalized outpatient treatment in a safe and welcoming environment. 

At our treatment center near Atlanta, Georgia, you can identify and address the issues that may have contributed to your substance abuse, with the goal of empowering you to develop healthier coping skills and resist future self-defeating urges. Every step of the way, you will be guided and supported by a team of highly skilled and deeply compassionate professionals.

When you’re ready to stop using hallucinogens and start living a healthier life, the Inner Voyage team is here for you. To learn more or to schedule a free assessment, visit our admissions page or call us today.

Can Narcan Be Used for Alcohol?

Alcohol is one of the most commonly abused substances in the United States, with many individuals struggling with alcohol addiction. Unfortunately, alcohol overdose is a serious concern that can result in coma or even death. Fortunately, there is a medication called Narcan that is used to reverse opioid overdoses. In recent years, there has been discussion about whether Narcan can also be used to treat alcohol overdose. This page will explore the use of Narcan for alcohol and its potential benefits.

What is Narcan?

Narcan is a medication that is also known as naloxone. It is used to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose, which can be life-threatening. Narcan works by blocking the effects of opioids in the brain and can quickly reverse the symptoms of an overdose, including slowed or stopped breathing.

Narcan is available in several forms, including a nasal spray and an injection. The nasal spray is easy to use and can be administered by anyone, even if they have no medical training. The injection is typically administered by medical professionals.

It is important to note that Narcan is not a substitute for medical treatment and should not be relied upon as the sole form of treatment for opioid addiction.

What Does Narcan Do?

Narcan works by binding to the same receptors in the brain as opioids. Instead of producing a euphoric effect, it blocks the opioids from binding and reverses the respiratory depression caused by the overdose.

Narcan can be administered through several different routes, including injection, nasal spray, or auto-injector. The nasal spray and auto-injector forms of Narcan are easy to use and do not require any medical training, making it more accessible for family members or friends of someone who may be at risk of an overdose.

Overall, Narcan is an effective medication for reversing opioid overdoses and has saved countless lives. It is a valuable tool in preventing overdose deaths and promoting harm reduction in communities affected by the opioid epidemic.

Can Narcan Be Used for Alcohol Overdose?

While Narcan is used to treat opioid overdoses, it is not effective in treating alcohol overdoses. Alcohol overdose occurs when a person drinks more alcohol than their body can handle, leading to symptoms such as vomiting, seizures, and difficulty breathing. Unlike opioids, alcohol does not bind to the same receptors in the brain as opioids, which means that Narcan is ineffective in treating alcohol overdose.

Although Narcan may not be effective for alcohol overdose, there are other treatments available for alcohol addiction and overdose. Seeking medical attention and professional treatment is crucial for those struggling with alcohol misuse or dependence.

Narcan Side Effects

While Narcan is a relatively safe drug, there are still potential side effects that users should be aware of. The most common side effects of Narcan include the following:

  1. Nausea and vomiting: Some people who receive Narcan may experience nausea and vomiting shortly after administration. This is typically a short-lived side effect that goes away on its own.
  2. Agitation: Narcan can cause some people to feel agitated or restless. This is especially true if they are experiencing opioid withdrawal symptoms at the same time.
  3. Headache: Some people may experience a headache after receiving Narcan. This is also a side effect that is usually mild and goes away quickly.
  4. Rapid heartbeat: Narcan can cause a rapid or irregular heartbeat in some people. This side effect does not have a long duration and goes away on its own.
  5. Sweating: Some people may experience sweating after receiving Narcan. This is another temporary and normal response to the medication.

It is important to note that Narcan is generally safe and well-tolerated. Most people who receive Narcan do not experience any significant side effects.

Benefits of Narcan

Despite its limited use in treating alcohol overdose, Narcan has many benefits when it comes to treating opioid overdoses. It is a safe and effective medication that can quickly reverse the effects of an overdose and save lives. Narcan can be administered by trained professionals, including emergency medical technicians and police officers. In some states, Narcan is available over the counter without a prescription, making it more accessible to individuals who may be at risk of overdose.

How to Get Narcan

If you or someone you know is at risk of opioid overdose, it is important to have Narcan on hand. Narcan can be obtained through a prescription from a healthcare provider, or in some states, it can be obtained over the counter without a prescription. Many addiction treatment centers also provide Narcan to their clients as part of their harm reduction efforts.

Contact Our Drug & Alcohol Treatment Center in Atlanta, GA

If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction to drugs or alcohol, Inner Voyage Recovery in Atlanta, Georgia, is here to help. Our compassionate team of professionals offers a range of evidence-based treatments, including detox, residential treatment, and outpatient programs. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive approach to addiction treatment.

What Is a High-Functioning Alcoholic?

TV shows and movies often portray people with drinking problems as confused, disheveled, and incapable of getting through the day without embarrassing themselves and their loved ones. While some people sadly conform to this unfortunate stereotype, others are able to hide the evidence of their alcohol abuse and live what appears to be a productive and satisfying life. These individuals are often referred to as high-functioning alcoholics.

What Is a High-Functioning Alcoholic?

Before we delve into this topic, it is important to clarify that “high-functioning alcoholic” is not a clinical term. It is a casual way to describe someone who appears to have avoided the more devastating effects of alcohol addiction.

The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) includes 11 criteria for alcohol use disorder (which is how mental and behavioral health professionals refer to alcoholism). However, in order to be accurately diagnosed with this condition, a person only has to meet two of these criteria during a 12-month period.

The diagnosis of alcohol use disorder can be subdivided into three categories based on how many DSM-5 criteria a person meets:

  • Mild: Two or three criteria
  • Moderate: Four or five criteria
  • Severe: Six or more criteria

If a person has a mild or moderate alcohol use disorder, they may be able to retain some semblance of control over their lives even as they struggle with the compulsion to drink more (and more frequently) than is healthy. 

A high-functioning alcoholic may perform well in school, make steady progress in their career, and otherwise give the outward appearance of being a happy and successful person. Unbeknownst to others, though, these individuals may be putting their livelihoods (and their lives) at risk every day due to an uncontrollable urge to drink.

Signs of High-Functioning Alcoholism

The very nature of this condition makes it difficult to detect if someone is a high-functioning alcoholic. 

  • In typical cases of alcoholism, people exhibit signs such as slurred speech, impaired coordination, diminished cognition, frequent absenteeism from school or work, failure to meet personal or occupational responsibilities, and a clear inability to stop drinking.
  • In the case of a high-functioning alcoholic, they either don’t have some of the more obvious symptoms of alcohol use disorder or they have become skilled at hiding these symptoms from friends, family members, colleagues, and others with whom they regularly come into contact. 

However, this doesn’t mean that it is impossible to determine if someone that you know is a high-functioning alcoholic. Here are a few key indicators to keep an eye out for:

  • When they are socializing, they often have multiple drinks in a short period of time. 
  • They rarely or never have an alcohol-free lunch or dinner.
  • They have no hesitation about driving after they have been drinking.
  • They often “pregame,” or drink at home (alone or with others) before going to a bar, club, or event where they will continue to consume alcohol.
  • They claim that having a drink or two “loosens them up” or allows them to function more effectively.
  • They keep alcohol in their desk at work, in the glove box in their car, or in other places where this substance is not typically found.
  • They often exhibit sudden changes in mood, attitude, and energy.
  • They become agitated, irritated, or even angry when they are in situations where they cannot drink.
  • You suspect that they have been lying to you or others about how they spend their time and who they associate with.

Effects of High-Functioning Alcoholism

Outwardly, a high-functioning alcoholic may appear to be in control of their life. But regardless of what level of academic achievement, career advancement, or financial success they have attained, they remain at risk for negative effects such as the following:

  • Damage to the heart, liver, and kidneys
  • Cognitive deficits
  • Malnutrition
  • Conflicts in their relationships
  • Physical injuries due to slips, falls, automobile accidents, or violent outbursts
  • Legal problems such as being arrest for driving while intoxicated
  • Elevated risk for certain cancers
  • Development of anxiety, depression, or another co-occurring mental health concern
  • Polysubstance abuse
  • Job loss and long-term unemployment
  • Financial problems
  • Accidental death
  • Suicidal ideation

High-functioning alcoholics may drink as a means of numbing themselves to emotional pain that is related to poor stress management capabilities, self-doubt, a history of untreated trauma, or myriad other influences. The desire to keep their alcohol abuse a secret may prevent a person from getting help to address their addictive behaviors. This, in turn, means that they are also unlikely to seek treatment for their mental or emotional concerns.

It is not difficult to see how this can lead to a downward spiral of worsening mental health and increasingly more severe alcohol abuse. In the absence of effective professional treatment, a high-functioning alcoholic remains in perpetual jeopardy for devastating physical, emotional, and socioeconomic outcomes.

Begin Treatment for Alcohol Addiction in Atlanta

If you have been struggling with alcohol addiction, or if you believe that someone that you care about is a high-functioning alcoholic, please know that help is available. At Inner Voyage Recovery Center in Atlanta, Georgia, adults receive the personalized care they need to end their alcohol abuse and begin their journey toward successful recovery. 

Features of treatment at our center include detoxification, multiple outpatient programs, a variety of effective therapies, and unwavering support. When you’re ready to start living a healthier and more hopeful life, the Inner Voyage Recovery Center team is here for you. Visit our admissions page or call us today to learn more.

Alcohol Induced Psychosis Symptoms

The term “psychosis” often prompts thoughts of complex mental health concerns such as schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. But alcohol abuse can also trigger the onset of psychotic episodes. If someone that you care about has been exhibiting alcohol-induced psychosis symptoms, they are in crisis and need immediate professional help.

What Is Alcohol Induced Psychosis?

Alcohol-induced psychosis, which is also sometimes referred to as alcohol-related psychosis, is a mental health concern that involves a series of distressing symptoms that disrupt a person’s ability to correctly perceive their environment and interact with others.

It is important to understand that alcohol-induced psychosis symptoms are not the same as the intoxicating effects that a person typically experiences when they drink alcohol. Alcohol-induced psychosis symptoms can be much more severe and cause significantly greater harm.

According to a 2015 review from The Netherlands, the lifetime prevalence of alcohol-induced psychosis among the general public is about 0.4%. However, among people who develop alcohol use disorder (which is the clinical term for alcohol addiction), the rate of alcohol-induced psychosis rises to 4%. This represents a tenfold increase in alcohol-induced psychosis between the general public and people who have become addicted to alcohol.

What Are the Symptoms of Alcohol Induced Psychosis?

The two main symptoms of alcohol-induced psychosis are hallucinations and delusions: 

  • Auditory hallucinations: This may include hearing voices or other sounds that do not exist. A person who develops auditory hallucinations may believe that the sounds are originating inside their own head or that they are coming from an external source.
  • Visual hallucinations: These can include seeing people, shapes, or patterns that are not actually there. Visual hallucinations are often associated with schizophrenia and psychedelic drugs, but they can also be symptomatic of alcohol-induced psychosis.
  • Delusions: This is a general category that can include a variety of firm, rigid beliefs that are easily disproven or that have no basis in reality. Examples of delusional thinking include believing that a person is being spied on, persecuted, or controlled by a government agency. A person who has delusions might also believe that they are in a romantic relationship with a famous person (who they have never actually met) or that they have certain special abilities or magical powers.

The following behaviors or characteristics may indicate that a person is experiencing symptoms of alcohol-induced psychosis:

  • Agitation and irritability
  • Claiming that someone is out to get them
  • Being unable to communicate clearly or engage in conversations
  • Intense fear or paranoia in the absence of any credible threat
  • Dramatic mood swings, including sudden outbursts of anger or violence
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Poor self-care and lack of attention to personal hygiene

Who Is at Risk for Alcohol Induced Psychosis?

Anyone who drinks alcohol is potentially at risk for alcohol-induced psychosis. The more a person drinks, the greater their risk becomes for developing these symptoms. However, the likelihood of developing alcohol-induced psychosis is higher among certain individuals.

According to the Dutch study that we referenced in an earlier section, alcohol-induced psychosis symptoms are most common among working-age men. That study also noted that people who meet criteria such as the following may also have an elevated risk for developing this mental health concern:

  • Developed alcohol use disorder at a younger age
  • Have low socioeconomic status
  • Are unemployed or living on a pension
  • Live alone

Studies also suggest that having a father who struggled with addiction and/or mental health concerns can also increase a person’s risk for experiencing symptoms of alcohol-induced psychosis.

How Is Alcohol Induced Psychosis Treated in Atlanta, GA?

Treatment for alcohol-induced psychosis must address two important concerns: the alcohol-induced psychosis symptoms that the individual has been experiencing and the compulsion to abuse alcohol that led to the onset of these symptoms.

In most cases, alcohol-induced psychosis symptoms will subside once a person stops drinking. To accomplish this, a person may need services such as the following:

  • Detoxification: Also known as detox, this is a short-term, professionally managed program that allows a person to complete alcohol withdrawal safely and with as little discomfort as possible. Among people who have been drinking heavily for an extended period of time, alcohol withdrawal can be extremely dangerous and potentially deadly. Detox minimizes the health risks of withdrawal, so people can rid their bodies of this dangerous drug.
  • Partial hospitalization programs (PHPs): At the PHP level, people can receive full days of therapy and related support services to help them establish a strong foothold in early recovery. During a person’s time in a PHP, they can learn about the disease of addiction, identify the triggers that may threaten their continued recovery, and develop essential relapse-prevention skills.
  • Intensive outpatient programs (IOPs): Many people step down to an IOP after completing alcohol addiction treatment at the PHP level. IOPs typically offer a few hours of treatment a few days each week. This allows participants to have a structured connection to quality clinical care while also having the opportunity to work, take classes, and otherwise engage in a healthy and productive lifestyle.
  • Outpatient treatment: This is the most flexible level of outpatient care for alcohol addiction. Participants can schedule sessions as needed. Outpatient treatment can be a vital source of ongoing support as a person works to progress in their recovery.

Begin Treatment for Alcohol Addiction Near Atlanta

You don’t have to wait until you hit “rock bottom” to get help for an addiction to alcohol. The day you enter treatment, you take a significant step toward a healthier and more hopeful future. Inner Voyage Recovery Center offers several levels of personalized outpatient care to help adults end their alcohol use and achieve successful, long-term recovery. To learn more about our programs and services, or to schedule a free assessment, give us a call or visit our admissions page.


Long-Term Effects of Adderall Addiction

Adderall has helped millions of people achieve a better quality of life. Unfortunately, this drug is also frequently abused. The potential long-term effects of Adderall abuse and addiction can have a profound negative impact on a person’s physical, psychological, and social well-being.

What Is Adderall?

Adderall is the brand name of a prescription medication that contains two stimulants: racemic amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. It is most commonly prescribed to people who have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It may also be used to treat narcolepsy.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), about 8.7% of adolescents and about 4.4% of adults in the United States have ADHD. Experts estimate that more than 60% of these individuals take Adderall or another prescription medication to help them manage their symptoms. 

When a person with ADHD takes Adderall as directed by their prescribing physician, they may experience the following beneficial effects:

  • Improved concentration and focus
  • Longer attention span
  • Less likely to be distracted
  • Diminished impulsivity
  • Better retention and recall of information

These effects can have a significant positive impact on a person’s ability to function at work, in school, and in other important areas of life. They have also led many people to abuse the drug. 

Why Do People Abuse Adderall?

Many people who don’t have ADHD abuse Adderall in an attempt to improve their focus, concentration, and learning capacity. 

Among both students and professionals, Adderall has developed a reputation as a performance-enhancing substance for the mind. Whether they are cramming for a final exam or pulling an all-nighter to finish an important presentation, people who are seeking to illicitly boost their cognitive capacity often turn to Adderall abuse.

In other cases, people abuse Adderall for recreational purposes. As a stimulant (a category that also includes cocaine), Adderall can increase a person’s energy and improve their mood. It may also enhance the effects of certain other recreational substances. 

Regardless of why a person begins to misuse this drug, the potential long-term effects of Adderall abuse include addiction and a host of other distressing outcomes.

What Are the Signs & Symptoms of Adderall Addiction?

The following signs and symptoms may indicate that a person has become addicted to Adderall:

  • They develop powerful cravings for the drug.
  • They spend a considerable amount of time acquiring and using it.
  • They attempt to buy, borrow, or steal Adderall that has been prescribed to someone else.
  • They lie to one or more doctors in order to get a prescription for Adderall.
  • They continue to use Adderall even after experiencing physical, psychological, or social problems due to prior use.
  • They need to use larger amounts of Adderall to achieve the effects that they were previously able to experience via smaller doses.
  • When they can’t acquire or use Adderall, they become angry, agitated, or irritated.
  • They use Adderall in ways that are clearly hazardous, such as by combining it with alcohol or other drugs.
  • They lie to or otherwise deceive friends and family members about the amount and frequency of their Adderall use.
  • They have dramatic mood swings and changes in energy level.
  • Their appetite changes, which leads to unintentional weight loss
  • When they try to stop using Adderall, they find that they are unable to do so.

What Are the Long-Term Effects of Adderall Addiction?

The following are examples of the many potential long-term effects of Adderall abuse and addiction:

  • Insomnia
  • Unhealthy weight loss
  • Malnutrition
  • Impaired brain functioning
  • Cardiovascular damage
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Seizure
  • High blood pressure
  • Anxiety and/or depression
  • Psychosis
  • Paranoia
  • Legal problems, such as being arrested, fined, and jailed
  • Medical problems due to aggressive or reckless behaviors
  • Job loss and unemployment
  • Financial difficulties

Contrary to the persistent myth, a person doesn’t have to hit “rock bottom” before they can get help for an addiction. The sooner someone gets the care they need, the less likely they are to experience continued long-term effects of Adderall abuse and addiction.

How Is Adderall Addiction Treated in Atlanta, GA?

Adderall addiction treatment has two primary goals: to help a person end their Adderall use and to prepare them for long-term recovery.

To accomplish this, effective treatment for Adderall addiction can include a variety of therapies and support services. To build a foundation for successful recovery, people may need to acquire important information, develop new skills, adopt relapse-prevention strategies, and make certain lifestyle changes. Therapy can be an essential part of this effort.

When a person receives care at Inner Voyage Recovery Center, their customized treatment plan may include elements such as these:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Individual and group therapy
  • Family support services
  • Adventure therapy
  • Trauma-informed care

We also offer Christian counseling services for those who wish to incorporate principles of their religious faith into their treatment. 

Begin Treatment for Adderall Addiction in Atlanta, GA

Inner Voyage Recovery Center offers personalized treatment and comprehensive support for adults who have become addicted to Adderall and other prescription medications. Our Adderall addiction treatment center in Georgia features customized programming at three outpatient levels: a partial hospitalization program (PHP), an intensive outpatient program (IOP), and an outpatient rehab. 

When you’re ready to end your Adderall abuse and begin your journey toward successful recovery, the Inner Voyage team is here for you. Visit our admissions page or contact us directly to learn more.

Can You Get Fired for Going to Rehab?

Entering a treatment program can be an essential step on the path to recovery from an addiction to alcohol or another drug. Unfortunately, many people delay getting the help they need because they are worried about their job. Common concerns include: Do you keep your insurance while you’re in treatment? Will you still have a job when you complete the program? Can you get fired for going to rehab?

Can You Get Fired for Going to Rehab?

In a perfect world, the answer to the question, “Can you get fired for going to rehab?” would be a resounding NO. As you may have noticed, though, our world occasionally falls a bit short of perfection. 

Thankfully, many employees in the United States have some legal protections against being summarily fired for seeking mental or behavioral healthcare services, including rehab. However, these laws don’t grant absolute freedom for everyone to remain employed while they are getting whatever type of addiction care they choose. You need to pay close attention to which employees are protected by these laws, which employers are governed by them, and what types of services are covered.

Having said all that, it may be helpful to adjust our focus. Instead of simply asking, “Can you get fired for going to rehab?” we should take a closer look at two federal laws that may protect you if you need treatment for addiction.

Does the ADA Protect You if You Go to Rehab?

The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) is a landmark piece of federal legislation that was signed into law in 1990. The ADA was designed to prevent people with disabilities from being discriminated against in several areas, including employment. 

In terms of using the ADA to protect your job while you are getting treatment for an addiction, it is important to understand what falls under this law’s definition of a disability.

The website of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (USCCR) addresses this issue on a page titled “Substance Abuse Under the ADA.” Here are two key sentences from that page:

  • An individual who is currently engaging in the illegal use of drugs is not an individual with a disability when the employer acts on the basis of such use.
  • An employer may not discriminate against a person who has a history of drug addiction but who is not currently using drugs and who has been rehabilitated.

Did you catch the important difference between who is and is not protected by the ADA?

The first sentence refers to people who are “currently engaging in the illegal use of drugs.” In other words, if you are caught using substances in the workplace, or if you show up to work or to an interview under the influence of a substance, you cannot claim a disability as defined by the ADA.

The second sentence refers to someone who developed an addiction but who has not been under the influence of drugs at work. That person may not be discriminated against (such as being fired, punished, or denied employment) based on the fact that they need help or previously spent time in rehab. The USCCR also notes that people “who are currently participating in a rehabilitation program and are no longer engaging in the illegal use of drugs” are covered by the ADA. 

This means that, under the ADA, the disease (addiction) is a protected disability. The behavior that is associated with the disease (substance abuse) is not. 

Can You Use the FMLA to Attend Rehab?

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was signed into law in 1993. As described by the U.S. Department of Labor, this law permits qualified employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for the following reasons:

  • Childbirth and care of the newborn
  • Adopting a child or having a foster child placed in your care
  • Caring for a spouse, child, or parent who has a serious health condition
  • Serious health condition that renders the employee unable to perform essential job functions
  • Various reasons related to the active duty military services of a spouse, child, or parent

In terms of the FMLA, the answer to the question “Can you get fired for going to rehab?” is found in the fourth reason listed above. As defined by this law, the term “serious medical condition” includes addiction. Thus, if you are a qualified employee under the FMLA, you can take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to attend certain types of drug addiction treatment.

To be a qualified employee, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Have worked for a covered employer for at least 12 months
  • Work at a location where your employer has 50 or more employees within 75 miles
  • Have worked a minimum of 1,250 hours over the 12 months prior to taking leave 

If your employer meets one of the following criteria, they are a covered employer and are thus governed by the FMLA:

  • Public agencies, including local, state, and federal employers and local schools
  • Private sector employers who have 50 or more employees for at least 20 weeks during a calendar year

Depending on where you live and where you work, state laws, organizational policies, and union-bargained contracts may also contain language that protects you from getting fired if you go to rehab. For a matter as important as this, be sure to take the time to thoroughly review all relevant legislation, policies, and contracts to ensure that you fully understand your options.

Begin Treatment at a Rehab in Atlanta, GA 

Inner Voyage Recovery Center is a trusted source of quality outpatient rehab services for adults in the Atlanta, Georgia, area. When you begin your recovery journey at Inner Voyage, you can expect to receive superior care from a team of skilled and compassionate professionals. When you’re ready to end your substance abuse and start living a healthier life, Inner Voyage is here for you. Give us a call or visit our admissions page today to learn more.

FMLA for Rehab: Everything You Need to Know

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in the United States provides job protection for employees who need extended time off from work, so they can maintain their benefits and job responsibilities. When serious health conditions arise such as substance use disorder, it’s critical that you take time off from work to get the help you need. However, taking time to attend drug rehab or alcohol rehab can be daunting, especially if you’re concerned about your job security. Learn more about how FMLA for rehab works and how you can benefit the most.

FMLA for Rehab: What is the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)?

The Family and Medical Leave Act was introduced to Congress in 1984 but didn’t pass until 1993 under Bill Clinton’s presidency. This important federal policy has helped millions of Americans take the necessary time off from work to seek professional healthcare, or to provide care for an immediate family member.
FMLA provides up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year while allowing you to keep your insurance group benefits (this can be up to 26 weeks for service member family leave). During these 12 weeks, your job is fully protected by law, so you may return to your employer with an equivalent job, pay, benefits, and other terms and conditions of employment. Employers are not permitted to fault an employee (such as reduced pay) for using FMLA to take time off. An employer is also not allowed to interfere with your right to take FMLA leave.

Your job provides FMLA if it has these qualifications:

  • If you work for a private-sector employer, your company must have 50 or more employees in 20 or more workweeks.
  • Applies to all public agencies on local, state, and federal levels. A minimum number of employees is not required.
  • Applies to public or private elementary or secondary schools. A minimum number of employees is not required.
  • In 2008, military family leave provisions were added.
  • All employers must be covered by insurance.

In general, you must provide 30 days’ notice before taking FMLA leave. However, unforeseen circumstances for shorter notice are permitted, especially since you can’t always control the ups and downs of serious health conditions.

While the above qualifications are federal standards, some states have additional regulations to help employees and employers. For instance, 10 states currently provide paid FMLA leave. Many states have also created laws that serve businesses under 50 employees and employees who have worked less than 1,250 hours for the company. You can look up additional FMLA regulations based on your state.

Who Qualifies for FMLA?

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, employees can qualify for FMLA for the following family and medical reasons:

  • The birth and care of a newborn child to a spouse
  • Placement for adoption or foster care of a child
  • Care for an immediate family member (spouse, domestic partner, sibling, parent, grandparent, grandchild) with a serious health condition
  • Personal care for a serious health condition
  • Maternity

There are three different types of FMLA: continuous, intermittent, and reduced schedule leave. Continuous refers to an employee being absent for three consecutive business days while they seek medical treatment. Intermittent refers to an employee who needs to miss work in separate hourly, daily, or weekly blocks (typically used for ongoing treatment). Reduced schedule leave allows an employee to work fewer hours during the week to take care of themselves or a family member.

There are certain conditions you must meet on top of the above circumstances:

  • You must have worked for a minimum of 12 months, although these 12 months do not have to be consecutive (for instance, you could have taken other breaks and resumed periods of working).
  • You must have logged at least 1250 hours over the last 12 months. These hours are defined by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which establishes policies such as minimum wage and overtime pay.
  • You must live within 75 miles of your employer.

If you are unsure if you meet the above qualifications, check with your employer to determine your work tenure.

What Qualifies as a Serious Health Condition?

It might be confusing to determine what qualifies as a serious health condition since everyone is different and requires different levels of care. According to the FMLA law, a serious health condition is anything that prevents you from doing the essential duties of your job–whether that’s mental, physical, or both.

Examples include severe cases of mental health disorders such as PTSD, anxiety, schizophrenia, and bipolar. Physical health conditions include cancer, diabetes, pregnancy, and multiple sclerosis. This also applies to family members you need to care for who are dealing with these conditions.

Luckily, diagnosis and treatment are completely confidential, thanks to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Employees are not required to tell their diagnosis to their employer, but they must provide information indicating that their leave is due to a condition protected by FMLA.

For example, if your doctor said you needed to stay home for an extended period of time to take antibiotics, or you need to be hospitalized, this is information your employer should know. It’s important to have good communication with your employer, so you understand your rights to paid leave, and so your employer understands when you are able to return to work.

Does FMLA Cover Substance Abuse Treatment?

Yes, FMLA covers substance abuse treatment for an individual employee, or for an employee who is caring for a family member going through treatment. Addiction affects a person’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being and can severely impair someone’s ability to perform daily tasks at their job. It is a complicated disorder that requires multi-faceted treatment, and most treatment centers offer 30, 60, and 90-day programs.

FMLA for Alcohol Treatment

Under the FMLA, alcohol addiction is considered a serious medical condition as it affects the function of the brain and body. This means employees are eligible for 12 weeks of unpaid leave. Alcoholism can greatly impact an employee’s ability to work and can result in financial loss for companies as a result of absenteeism, loss in productivity, and employee health complications. Alcohol rehab in Atlanta is often needed stay abstinent for good.

FMLA for Drug Abuse Treatment

Similarly, FMLA covers leave for our drug rehab in Atlanta, as this is considered a serious medical condition. As stated earlier, FMLA does not protect employees from missing work as a result of drug abuse.

Do I need to take FMLA leave all at once?

No, you don’t need to use your full 12 weeks of FMLA leave all at once. You can take FMLA as a single block, or spread it out over multiple, smaller blocks of time. This is especially helpful for patients receiving ongoing therapy and treatment who may need to leave work early or reduce their hours on a daily or weekly basis.

For example, an employee undergoing surgery who needs three weeks off may take partial leave, or an employee doing outpatient rehab who needs to do weekly hospital visits will benefit from this model. Your employer is required to document periods of FMLA leave.

Can I use PTO (paid time off) during FMLA leave?

While FMLA leave is unpaid, you are allowed to use sick time, vacation time, or any other PTO days your employer permits, so that you can get paid on those days. You will need to follow the normal process of submitting PTO requests to take these days off. When you use paid leave for FMLA purposes, this time is still protected by FMLA policies. Using PTO may be a wise choice, especially if it’s toward the end of the year when PTO may reset.

How to Apply for FMLA

Applying to FMLA is a relatively straightforward process, provided that you and your employer meet the legal requirements to be able to use FMLA leave. Each employer is different, but there’s a general flow you and your employer need to follow to have FMLA leave approved.

Steps for Applying to FMLA:

  1. Provide a 30-day notice to your employer when you plan to take leave. If you find out you must take leave sooner than 30 days, provide notice as soon as possible to your employer. You will not be penalized if you cannot provide a 30-day notice. However, it’s important to do it as quickly as possible to sort out your application and make sure you have time to find a treatment center.
  2. Your employer is required to provide you with your FMLA rights and responsibilities. This includes your right to maintain health benefits, your right to return to your job, and a definition of the 12-month period your employer uses to keep track of FMLA time off. Failure to do so could result in a penalty of up to $110. They may also request a medical certification from a healthcare provider (see below).
  3. If certification is requested, you must provide a completed form to your employer within 15 calendar days.
  4. Your employer must notify you within 5 business days if FMLA has been approved. Once approved, you are permitted to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave. When you return, your employer must keep you at your same job, or an equivalent job with the same pay, benefits, and responsibilities.

Covered employers must include information about FMLA in their employee handbooks, or provide this information to new hires. It is unlawful for an employer to deny an employee the right to exercise rights provided by the FMLA, or to discriminate against employees for choosing to do so.

If you’re overwhelmed with the application process, or simply need guidance, Inner Voyage can help you apply for FMLA and guide you through each step while you communicate with your employer. Our team is here to help make the process easier and stress-free.

What if my employer needs a medical certification?

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has developed certification forms for employees to fill out and provide to their employers. These forms can be printed or filled out electronically. Employers may also use their own forms, as long as those forms require the same basic information.

There are 2 main FMLA certification forms:

  • Form WH-380-E: This applies to an employee requesting leave for a serious health condition.
  • Form WH-380-F: This applies to an employee requesting leave due to a serious health condition of a family member.

There are also three different certifications of military family leave, which you can find on the DOL website. This includes the Qualifying Exigency from WH-384 and the Military Caregiver Leave of a Veteran. These forms cover basics including job title, work schedule, essential job functions, the type of care you or a family member is receiving, and the amount of leave needed.

Woodstock recovery center

Find Addiction Treatment Near Atlanta Today!

Inner Voyage Recovery Center is a full-service rehab and treatment center based near Atlanta, Georgia. However, we are more than just a Woodstock recovery center for patients–we are a team of professionals who care about the well-being of our patients and seek to break the cycle of addiction by providing healthy, lasting coping methods. We believe everyone belongs, everyone can heal, and everyone can lead a fulfilling life.

Inner Voyage was founded by Jeff Baucom who recovered from his own addiction to drugs and alcohol. Jeff’s philosophy is founded on the idea that true wellness begins with inner spiritual peace, which has mental, physical, and emotional factors. Many professionals at Inner Voyage are also recovered addicts, so they deeply understand the process of seeking treatment, withdrawal, and the joy that comes with living a renewed life. At Inner Voyage, you can begin a new journey of connection to yourself and others while breaking the cycles of addiction.

Inner Voyage provides 30, 60, and 90-day treatment programs that treat substance abuse for alcohol, heroin, opioids, cocaine, marijuana, prescription pills, and methamphetamine. We understand that no two addictions are the same, which is why we provide professional, personalized treatment to every individual. Our goal is to treat the underlying conditions and trauma that led to addiction in the first place.

By working with patients to get medical help and address these issues to deal with life’s daily stressors, as well as Christian recovery center options. Once done with treatment, our patients can safely return to work and home life armed with healthy coping strategies.

Finding the Right Treatment Program

Finding the Right Treatment Program

Today, drug and alcohol addiction affects nearly 23.5 million Americans. However, only 10% of these individuals will receive the necessary treatment to attain and maintain sobriety.

At Inner Voyage, our treatment programs are flexible, so that every patient gets the exact care that they need. We offer partial hospitalization, inpatient treatment, intensive outpatient programs in Atlanta, residential programs, and recovery housing.

Additionally, we provide numerous counseling services to address the trauma behind addiction, including drug counseling, an adventure-based counseling program, CBT therapy, and faith-based counseling.

I am looking for a PHP program near me, can Inner Voyage help?

PHP treatment, an abbreviation for partial hospitalization programs, typically requires 5 visits per week depending on the needs of the patient. This type of program is more intensive than outpatient treatment and is recommended for individuals leaving rehab as an intermediary step, or for those undergoing withdrawal symptoms.

PHP is extremely effective when paired with additional services, such as therapy and community activities. If you’re looking for a Canton rehab center or Woodstock rehab center that provides PHP, Inner Voyage can help.

I am looking for IOP programs near me, can Inner Voyage help?

IOP refers to intensive outpatient programs for recovering addicts. IOP treatment requires less time commitment than PHP and allows patients to integrate back into their normal lives. Patients still receive medical and psychological care but can choose how often they’d like to go, and where they’d like to go.

IOP is recommended for individuals who have surpassed the withdrawal stage and do not need 24/7 monitoring, or those suffering from more mild addiction. It encourages patients to get back to their daily routines while being realistic about medical and psychological needs.

Adventure-Based Counseling

What is Adventure-Based Counseling?

Inner Voyage offers an interactive, engaging adventure-based counseling program to help patients thrive in immersive environments. Adventure-based counseling (ABC) utilizes group therapy to create experiential learning opportunities and group activities.

By combining nature, new challenges, and daring exercises, patients can get hands-on experience and overcome negative, self-defeating beliefs. Types of ABC include camping, rock climbing, kayaking, obstacle courses, paddle boarding, and white-water rafting. These outdoor activities can help people overcome mental and physical challenges by getting them outside their comfort zone, while guided by professional counselors and supportive team members.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Rehab Facility

Choosing the right program for drug and alcohol addiction can be overwhelming, especially when decision-making is impaired by the effects of substance abuse. There are a few factors to keep in mind when applying for FMLA and choosing the best addiction treatment program.

  • Time Commitment: When seeking treatment, it’s important to accept that proper care will require significant time commitment and intention. While the time commitment may be daunting at first, it is designed to help you thrive in the long-term, saving you time, money, and energy that otherwise would have been eliminated by substance abuse. The shortest rehab programs are 30 days, while longer programs are 90 days. Each program is personalized to a patient’s needs and may involve hospitalization or outpatient care.
  • Cost: While each insurance is different, they are required to cover mental and behavioral health services. Check with your employer and/or insurance provider to see what is covered under drug and alcohol addiction treatment. Most facilities also offer payment plans, rather than upfront costs.
  • Lifestyle: Choosing a rehab facility that’s right for you also comes down to lifestyle. At Inner Voyage, we take a full, comprehensive look at our patients’ needs to provide a spectrum of medical treatments and therapy. We can also provide a spiritual component to treatment, allowing patients to explore the deeper meaning behind their addiction and life purpose. Lifestyle also refers to whether or not you want inpatient or outpatient treatment, as each program provides different benefits and structures.
Your Recovery Journey with Inner Voyage

Begin Your Recovery Journey with Inner Voyage

If you are applying for FMLA leave and seeking drug and alcohol treatment, Inner Voyage Recovery Center has the tools to help you cope with addiction and return to a healthier lifestyle. Our team is also qualified to help with FMLA applications to make the process easier and stress-free.

Give our recovery center a call today.