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Weed Overdose: Tips to Avoid Greening Out

Navigating the Hazards of Greening Out: Prevention and Response Strategies

Encountering a greening out episode catches many by surprise, enveloping them in a whirlwind of discomfort far removed from the sought-after euphoria associated with cannabis use.

This unsettling experience, characterized by symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, and panic, stems from overindulging in tetrahydrocannabinol, the potent substance found in marijuana.

Fortunately, understanding the phenomenon and adopting practical measures can significantly reduce occurrences and mitigate their impact.

Mastering prevention strategies and knowing how to react when symptoms surface are invaluable skills.

Keep reading to navigate the hazards of greening out with effective prevention and response strategies.

Understanding the Basics of Greening Out

Embarking on the journey to demystify ‘greening out’, a term that often conjures confusion among many, feels like peeling back layers of an intricate onion.

It’s essential to grasp what greening out encapsulates before diving deeper.

As someone who has navigated the murky waters of substance use and its myriad of terminologies, understanding this phenomenon involves recognizing its early warning signs, an illuminating yet sobering process.

The discourse around greening out shouldn’t remain shrouded in mystery but instead approached with clarity and insight.

Let’s set the stage for a candid exploration of greening out, including its definition and the markers that signal its onset, laying a solid foundation for prevention and responsive strategies.

Defining the Phenomenon: What Does Greening Out Mean?

Greening out, a term that might sound alien to some and all too familiar to others, essentially describes a sudden onset of unpleasant symptoms after consuming too much cannabis. It’s a state where the body’s reception to tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis, overwhelms the system, leading to a spectrum of reactions that can be both unsettling and intense.

My journey through understanding and educating others on substance abuse has highlighted that recognizing this phenomenon is key. Greening out is not simply feeling ‘too high’ but is a complex interaction between THC and various bodily systems, which can result in symptoms such as nausea, paranoia, and in some cases, panic attacks. It underscores the importance of moderated consumption and having a keen awareness of one’s limits when engaging with cannabis.

Recognizing the Early Warning Signs

Acknowledging the early signals that precede a greening out episode can be a lifeline, safeguarding well-being and ensuring a safer experience. These signals often manifest as dizziness, a sudden spike in anxiety, or an overwhelming feeling of nausea. Tuning into these subtleties allows for swift action, potentially mitigating the severity of the episode or avoiding it altogether.

In my years of interaction with individuals experiencing substance-induced discomfort, a common thread has been the underestimation of these early warnings. A rapid heart rate or a noticeable change in blood pressure, for instance, should not be dismissed as trivial. Recognizing and respecting these signs as the body’s communication mechanism is pivotal in navigating the challenges of greening out with grace and care.

How to Avoid Greening Out: Essential Prevention Tips

Navigating the intricate challenges posed by greening out demands not only an understanding of the phenomenon but also the implementation of pragmatic prevention strategies.

Throughout my exploratory journey within the realm of substance use and its management, I’ve identified several cornerstone practices that significantly diminish the risk of experiencing this disconcerting state.

Embarking on these practices involves adopting a cautious approach to consumption, being acutely aware of the dynamics of your surroundings and the company you keep, comprehending and respecting your personal thresholds and tolerance levels, and not underestimating the importance of staying hydrated and well-nourished.

Each of these strategies plays an indispensable role in furnishing individuals with the tools needed to engage with cannabis in a manner that prioritizes health and safety, laying the groundwork for a more informed, and consequently, more enjoyable experience.

Start Low and Go Slow With Consumption

Embarking on a journey of cannabis consumption with the adage ‘start low and go slow’ serves as a keystone advice that’s vital for steering clear of the distressing state of greening out. It’s a guideline I’ve come to value deeply in my professional interactions with those new to cannabis, emphasizing the importance of beginning with minimal doses and gradually increasing as one better understands their individual response to THC.

This cautious approach to consumption ensures that the body has ample time to adjust to the psychoactive effects of cannabis without overwhelming the system, significantly reducing the risk of adverse reactions. My experiences have shown that respecting the body’s pace and limits not only enhances the overall experience but serves as a critical preventive measure against the unease and discomfort associated with greening out.

Be Mindful of Your Environment and Company

The setting in which one chooses to consume cannabis and the people they surround themselves with play a non-negligible role in dictating the overall experience. From my vantage point, having guided countless individuals through their substance use journey, an environment that fosters relaxation and a circle that understands and respects one’s boundaries can markedly influence one’s vulnerability to greening out.

Moreover, the presence of informed, supportive companions can act as a critical safety net, ensuring swift and appropriate responses should things veer towards discomfort. My professional experience underscores the significance of making deliberate choices about where and with whom one engages in cannabis use, as these factors inherently contribute to the maximization of enjoyment and the minimization of risk.

Understanding Your Limits and Tolerance

Grasping the nuances of one’s personal threshold for cannabis consumption is a critical step in evading the discomforts of greening out. Through my years of counseling, I’ve observed that a deep understanding of how one’s body reacts to different doses and kinds of cannabis can dramatically steer the experience away from undesirable outcomes. It’s about fostering a self-aware relationship with the substance, a practice that I’ve seen empower many to enjoy cannabis responsibly and safely.

It bears repeating that tolerance levels can fluctuate widely among individuals, a fact that underscores the importance of patience and self-observation in the journey of cannabis use. My approach has always been to encourage a reflective process, where patients document and review their experiences, thereby gaining insight into their unique boundaries. This method not only aids in preventing greening out but also enriches the overall experience with cannabis by aligning it closely with one’s health and well-being goals.

The Role of Hydration and Food Intake

Hydration emerges as a fundamental aspect in circumventing the disorienting state of greening out. In my experience, consuming ample water before, during, and after engaging with cannabis profoundly impacts how the body reacts to THC, aiding in the regulation of blood pressure and mitigating feelings of dizziness and nausea. As someone deeply entrenched in the discourse on substance use, I’ve seen the simple act of staying hydrated transform potentially uncomfortable situations into manageable ones.

Similarly, the role of food intake cannot be underestimated in its capacity to influence the cannabis experience. Ensuring a stable base of nourishment helps in stabilizing blood sugar levels, which can otherwise fluctuate with cannabis use, leading to lightheadedness and exacerbating anxiety. Throughout my journey of guiding individuals in navigating their substance use, the advice to not consume cannabis on an empty stomach has stood out as a universally beneficial strategy to reduce the risk of greening out.

Immediate Response Strategies for Greening Out

Encountering a greening out episode, despite all preventive measures, demands prompt and informed actions to alleviate discomfort and steer towards recovery.

In these trying moments, knowing how to respond can make a significant difference in the experience’s trajectory.

The initial step is always to anchor oneself in calmness, seeking out a comfortable and safe environment.

This foundation sets the stage for efficacious strategies such as hydrating adequately and engaging in slow, deep breathing exercises, designed to counter physiological reactions such as elevated heart rate and anxiety.

Importantly, it’s crucial to remember—not to give in to panic.

Offering reassurance to oneself or to others that time will gradually diminish the intensity of the symptoms is fundamental.

These response strategies are not just about immediate relief; they’re about navigating through the episode with a sense of control and understanding.

Stay Calm and Find a Comfortable Space

Amid the whirlwind of discomfort that greening out can bring, maintaining calmness emerges as an essential pillar in mitigating the situation. Through my career in guiding individuals through various substance use challenges, I’ve learned the power of soothing one’s mind and seeking a serene environment. This approach not only diminishes the intensity of immediate symptoms but also fosters a sense of security and stability needed during such moments.

Creating a space that feels safe and comfortable is a critical step I advocate for when confronting a greening out episode. In my experience, this environment acts as a sanctuary, significantly aiding in the stabilization of overwhelming sensations like nausea and paranoia. It’s a strategy that underscores the importance of mental tranquility in catalyzing physical recovery, a practice I’ve seen transform potentially harrowing experiences into manageable episodes.

Hydrate and Focus on Slow, Deep Breaths

In my experience, hydration plays a pivotal role in counteracting the discomfiture of greening out. Sipping water steadily can significantly alleviate symptoms like dry mouth and nausea, contributing to a swifter recovery process. My advocacy for hydration stems from observing its immediate impact on those grappling with the unwelcome aftermath of overconsumption, offering a simple yet effective form of relief.

Simultaneously, focusing on slow, deep breaths emerges as a powerful strategy to manage the anxiety and panic that often accompany greening out. This technique directly addresses the accelerated heart rate and dizziness, facilitating a return to a more centered and calm state. Through guiding individuals in this practice, I’ve witnessed its capacity to transform a potentially overwhelming situation into one of manageable discomfort, underscoring the importance of breath control in navigating the complexities of substance-induced distress.

Don’t Panic: Reassurance and Time Are Key

In moments of greening out, the impulse to succumb to panic is natural but counterproductive. I always emphasize to those I’m helping that remaining calm and reassuring oneself or the person affected that these sensations will gradually subside with time is crucial. This mental posture can significantly deter the escalation of anxiety and facilitate a smoother passage through the discomfort.

Time acts as a gentle healer in the context of greening out, an insight I’ve gained through numerous encounters with this challenge. Reassuring oneself or someone else that the intensity of the symptoms will diminish progressively can be extraordinarily empowering. It’s a simple yet profound strategy that fosters resilience and patience during what can feel like an endless ordeal.

When to Seek Medical Attention for Greening Out

Despite our best preventive measures, certain instances of greening out carry with them symptoms that escalate beyond comfort-driven remedies and demand professional intervention.

This critical juncture in the experience opens up a dialogue about the twin necessaries of recognizing when to transition from personal management to seeking medical assistance and how to navigate this shift with safety and sensitivity.

Embarking on this path requires a nuanced understanding of which symptoms signal a genuine health concern as opposed to a high level of discomfort, coupled with the knowledge of how to approach healthcare providers effectively about a substance-related issue.

Acknowledging the gravity and the potential risks involved in this phase is essential for ensuring the well-being of both oneself and others during these unsettling episodes.

Identifying Symptoms That Require Professional Help

In my professional journey, I’ve encountered instances where greening out evolves into a situation that necessitates medical intervention. It’s critical to discern symptoms such as enduring, unmanageable panic attacks, severe hallucinations, and an inability to regain a normal breathing rhythm as potential markers for professional help. These manifestations pose significant risks and extend beyond the scope of self-managed recovery strategies, pointing towards the need for immediate medical attention.

Moreover, observing signs of extreme dehydration or continuous vomiting requires swift action. Such symptoms can lead to further health complications if left unchecked, underlining the importance of engaging with healthcare professionals. My advice stems from the premise that safety and health should always take precedence, guiding my counseling to advocate for emergency services or a visit to the emergency department when faced with these severe manifestations of greening out.

How to Safely Approach Medical Professionals

Approaching medical professionals in the event of greening out necessitates a transparent and honest dialogue. I always emphasize the importance of being upfront about the substance used, as this information equips healthcare providers with the necessary context to administer the most effective care. My history of aiding individuals through substance-related crises reinforces the value of candor in these interactions, fostering a professional environment where health and recovery are the foremost priorities.

Communicating your symptoms comprehensively and accurately contributes significantly to a favorable outcome. In my professional experience, delineating the onset, duration, and intensity of symptoms can empower physicians to make informed decisions, potentially mitigating the severity of the situation. This approach, grounded in clear and precise information, has supported countless patients in their recovery journey, underscoring the critical role of patient-physician communication in navigating the complexities of greening out.

Essential Recovery Tips Post-Greening Out

Emerging from the unsettling throes of greening out calls for a tailored recovery blueprint, keenly focusing on rejuvenating both the mind and body.

This critical phase, often overlooked, is the cornerstone of regaining equilibrium and safeguarding against future episodes.

Hence, delving into the realms of rest and rehydration instantly following such an episode not only catalyzes physical recuperation but also lays a solid groundwork for mental resilience.

Parallelly, embarking on a period of reflection to distill insights from the experience acts as a strategic pivot towards preemptive measures, ensuring one’s future encounters with cannabis are informed by wisdom and prudence.

This dual-pronged approach to recovery embodies a blend of immediate care and long-term prevention, fostering a balanced and sustainable relationship with cannabis.

Rest and Rehydration: The First Steps to Take

In the aftermath of greening out, prioritizing rest can be a transformative step towards recuperation. Allowing the body to recover in a tranquil, safe space supports the natural rebalancing of both physiological and cognitive functions disrupted by overconsumption of cannabis.

Furthermore, rehydration is an absolute necessity in combatting the aftereffects of greening out. Drinking water or electrolyte-rich beverages methodically addresses dehydration and helps ease symptoms like headaches and dry mouth, facilitating a smoother recovery process.

Reflecting on the Experience for Future Prevention

Reflection, post-greening out, serves as a crucial step in fortifying oneself against future incidents. It entails a thoughtful examination of the episode, pinpointing the exact moments and decisions that led to the discomfort, thereby equipping one with the knowledge to adjust behavior and consumption patterns moving forward.

This introspective process, while sometimes difficult, paves the way for a more informed and conscientious relationship with cannabis. Learning from each experience, be it favorable or challenging, inherently minimizes the risk of recurrence, fostering a safer and more enjoyable cannabis journey.

Building a Support System for Cannabis Use

In the intricate dance of managing cannabis use and mitigating the risks of greening out, fostering a robust support system emerges as a critical step.

This network, a blend of personal relationships and professional resources, provides a foundation for open communication and insightful guidance.

It acts as an essential buffer, offering emotional grounding and practical advice, whether in normal use or in navigating the aftermath of an overindulgence.

My approach centers around creating channels of dialogue with friends and family about cannabis use, and recognizing the value of professional input when deeper issues surface.

This dual approach nurtures a supportive environment that respects individual autonomy while safeguarding against potential missteps in cannabis consumption.

Communicating With Friends and Family About Usage

Opening a dialogue with friends and family about cannabis usage is a step I’ve found crucial in building a supportive circle. It’s about creating a space where conversations around usage, limits, and safety are normalized, fostering an environment of understanding and mutual respect. This kind of openness has often been the first step toward constructing a safety net that many overlook until a challenging situation arises.

In my experience, honesty and transparency in these discussions act as the cornerstone for a trusting relationship. It encourages others to share their perspectives and advice, possibly drawing from their experiences or concerns, which might illuminate aspects of cannabis use I hadn’t considered. Their input becomes a valuable part of making informed decisions about consumption, particularly in avoiding the pitfalls of greening out.

Seeking Professional Guidance When Needed

There comes a time in the journey of cannabis use where personal judgement may fall short, and the guidance of a professional can illuminate paths previously shrouded. In these moments, reaching out to a healthcare provider or a specialist in addiction treatment becomes not just a practical decision, but a proactive step towards safeguarding one’s mental and physical health.

My experience has taught me the value of engaging with experts who possess a deep understanding of substance use and its impacts. These professionals, be they at an Orlando recovery center or an Atlanta drug rehab, offer personalized advice and treatment options grounded in the latest research and tailored to individual needs, ensuring a comprehensive approach to overcoming challenges related to cannabis use.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the signs and symptoms of greening out?

Greening out, a term commonly associated with overconsumption of cannabis, manifests through a constellation of distressing symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, and a sense of deep unease or panic. Other markers of this unpleasant experience often encompass dizziness, heightened anxiety, paranoia, heart palpitations, and in severe cases, hallucinations or temporary lapses in consciousness.

How can individuals prevent greening out while using cannabis?

Preventing the uncomfortable experience of ‘greening out’—a situation where an individual may feel sick or distressed after consuming too much cannabis—is vital for a safe and pleasant experience. Recognizing the signs and understanding the steps to limit exposure can make a significant difference.

Start by paying close attention to the dose. A mantra worth repeating is “start low and go slow,” especially for new users or when trying a new product. The potency of cannabis varies drastically among different strains and products, implicating a wide range of effects from the tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, content. An overestimation of tolerance or a misjudgment in potency can easily lead someone into an altered state of consciousness, not the relaxing or euphoric experience they were seeking.

Stay hydrated. Consuming water or juice can help fend off dehydration, a common sidekick of cannabis use due to its impact on the mouth and eyes, leading to what’s commonly known as dry mouth and dry eyes, respectively. While it might sound trivial, staying adequately hydrated helps maintain normal bodily functions, which can be perturbed during a ‘green out’, manifesting in symptoms like dizziness, headache, and nausea.

Eating can also play a pivotal role in moderating the effects of THC. A well-timed snack or meal prior to cannabis use can slow the absorption of THC into the bloodstream. The presence of food in the stomach modulates the release of THC, providing a buffer that may reduce the risk of feeling overwhelmed.

If the intensity of the experience begins mounting towards discomfort, finding a safe and quiet space to lie down and breathe deeply can assist in mitigating the symptoms of anxiety, paranoia, and panic that sometimes accompany overconsumption. Techniques that center on relaxation and grounding—like focusing on slow, deep breaths—can aid in navigating through the waves of unease.

Awareness and education around substance use is paramount. Engaging with resources like Atlanta Drug Rehab or similar centers isn’t just about seeking help for addiction or recovery; it extends to learning about safe usage practices, understanding the implications of dual diagnosis, or simply uncovering more about the substance itself. Knowledge is power, and in the context of cannabis use, it’s a key player in prevention and safeguarding one’s mental and physical health.

Lastly, always remember the significance of setting and mental state before using cannabis. External pressures, stress, or existing mental health concerns can magnify the effects of THC, escalating the chance of experiencing a negative reaction. Embracing cannabis in a calm, positive environment can influence the overall outcome substantially.

In essence, respecting the substance, recognizing one’s limits, staying informed about signs and symptoms of overindulgence, and adopting practical steps like controlling dosage, hydrating, eating, and grounding oneself can reduce the risk of greening out. Whether you’re reaching out to an Atlanta Drug Rehab for more structured support or gathering insights from educational platforms, prioritizing safety and well-being is paramount.

What immediate actions should be taken when someone is greening out?

When someone is experiencing a “green out,” it’s critical to move them to a safe, quiet space and encourage them to take slow, deep breaths. Offering them sips of water or a snack like fruit or crackers can help stabilize their blood sugar levels and mitigate some of the discomfort.

When is it necessary to seek medical help for greening out?

Medical help should be sought for greening out when symptoms such as uncontrollable vomiting, severe panic attacks, or heart palpitations manifest, indicating the body’s struggle to cope with overconsumption. It’s crucial, too, when the individual experiences extreme confusion or hallucinations, signaling potentially dangerous alterations in mental status.

What are some essential tips for recovery after experiencing greening out?

Embarking on a journey through the intricate maze of substance abuse and its multifaceted challenges is nothing short of daunting. Amid this complex landscape, I’ve encountered a broad spectrum of individuals grappling with their unique struggles, each narrative as compelling as it is heart-wrenching. Today, I feel compelled to shed light on an often-overlooked yet critical aspect of this journey—greening out. Greening out—a term that might be unfamiliar to many—refers to an uncomfortable reaction after consuming an excessive dose of cannabis. Characterized by symptoms like nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and anxiety, it’s a disorienting experience that can leave one feeling utterly helpless. As someone deeply invested in fostering awareness about substance abuse and recovery, I feel it’s imperative to guide those who find themselves or their loved ones in this predicament.

Recovery from greening out necessitates a compassionate, patient approach. The first step is understanding that what you’re experiencing, although distressing, is temporary. Symptoms such as paranoia, elevated heart rate, and a sense of panic are your body’s reaction to an overload of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)—the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis. To mitigate these symptoms, start by finding a quiet, comfortable space where you can sit or lie down. This reduces the risk of injury from dizziness or fainting. Breathing exercises can be remarkably effective in this scenario; taking slow, deep breaths helps regulate your heart rate and instills a sense of calm. Hydration is key. Opt for water or juice to address dehydration, and if possible, have a snack. Consuming sugar can help counteract the intense effects of THC by raising blood sugar levels, which might alleviate feelings of lightheadedness. In some cases, greening out catalyzes anxiety or panic attacks, making it important to remind yourself that this state is temporary and will subside. Engaging in calming activities like listening to soothing music or practicing mindfulness can provide significant relief. It’s also vital to acknowledge when professional assistance is needed. If symptoms persist or worsen, seeking medical help is crucial. Healthcare professionals can offer supportive treatments to alleviate symptoms, ensuring your safety throughout the recovery process. However, navigating the aftermath of greening out extends beyond addressing immediate physical discomfort; it often calls for introspection. While cannabis is legal in many regions and has legitimate medicinal uses, like any substance, it carries the risk of overconsumption and adverse reactions. Reflecting on the experience can provide valuable insights into personal limits and the importance of cautious, responsible use. For individuals struggling with cannabis use or any form of substance abuse, exploring options for support and treatment is a crucial step towards recovery.

Facilities like Atlanta Drug Rehab offer comprehensive services tailored to the unique needs of each patient, including therapy, medication management, and holistic interventions designed to facilitate healing and rebuild lives. Remember, recovery is a personal journey with its own set of challenges and triumphs. Whether you’re seeking help for yourself or supporting someone on their path to recovery, compassionate care and understanding are paramount. Engaging with a community of individuals who share similar experiences can provide solace and encouragement, reinforcing the belief that recovery, though challenging, is within reach. Navigating the complex terrain of substance abuse and recovery requires courage, patience, and persistence. In my journey of exploring and writing about these themes, I’ve learned that each story of struggle and triumph contributes to a broader understanding of human resilience. Whether through professional help, like that offered by various recovery centers, or through the support of a compassionate community, healing is possible. It’s essential to underscore the importance of prioritizing health and well-being, recognizing the signs and symptoms of substance misuse, and taking proactive steps towards recovery. By fostering open conversations about experiences like greening out, we can cultivate a more informed, empathetic approach to addressing substance abuse and supporting those in the throes of recovery?

Recovering from a greening out incident primarily involves finding a calm environment, engaging in deep breathing exercises to regulate your heart rate, staying hydrated with water or juice, and consuming a small amount of sugar to counterbalance the effects of THC. Recognizing the temporary nature of these symptoms and reminding oneself of their transient nature helps in alleviating the immediate discomfort while seeking professional assistance, if symptoms persist or worsen, ensures safety and proper recovery.


The importance of navigating the hazards of greening out lies in understanding the phenomenon, recognizing early warning signs, and implementing both prevention and responsive strategies effectively.

Greening out, characterized by a range of discomforting symptoms due to excessive cannabis consumption, necessitates a cautious approach to use, including starting with low doses and being mindful of the surrounding environment and personal tolerance levels.

Preventive measures such as staying hydrated and consuming food can significantly reduce the risk, while knowing how to respond, like seeking a comfortable space and focusing on hydration and breathing exercises, can alleviate symptoms during an episode.

Importantly, in cases where symptoms escalate, recognizing when to seek medical attention is crucial for safety.

Building a support system and reflecting on the experience also play vital roles in fostering a safer and more enjoyable future cannabis experience.

Ultimately, navigating the complexities of greening out with informed, proactive strategies enriches one’s understanding and relationship with cannabis, prioritizing health and well-being.

What You Should Know about Genetics and Addiction

You have probably heard that addiction is genetic and even that it can “run in families.” Some people avoid any kind of substance after seeing the struggles that their parents, grandparents, siblings, or extended family have had with addiction.

The truth is that we know that there are many factors that can influence a person developing an addiction to any type of substance. While we do understand that addiction has a genetic component, scientists are still learning the ways that our genes influence our likelihood of falling into addictive behaviors. So, what should you know about addiction and genetics — and are you doomed to become addicted just because your family members have been?

How Do Our Genetics Influence Our Likelihood of Addiction?

Recent medical studies have dived deep into the causes behind addiction, particularly when it comes to genetics. The results concluded that addiction is often the result of a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

These include:

  • Early childhood trauma
  • Interruptions in brain development
  • Neglect
  • Role modeling
  • Neuroinflammation
  • Mental illness

Amid these moving factors, genes can also play a role. There are many genes that your parents pass on to you that could factor into an increased likelihood of drug addiction. These concern brain health, reward processing, stress resilience, and metabolism.

It’s a complex chapter of genetics. These hundreds of gene formations can make substance abuse more likely for many reasons, from poor stress response to low levels of reward hormones. Scientists have even discovered certain genes that increase the risk of certain specific addictions, including cannabis use disorder, alcoholism, or cocaine use.

In other words? There’s no single “addiction gene.” Our genetics are a complex map of many, many expressions. These are passed down not just from our parents but also from our grandparents and earlier ancestors.

What Are Other Factors?

One of the major factors that put you at a higher risk of developing an addiction to drugs, alcohol, or other actions is stress. At its root, addiction is bound to the dopamine rush that comes from the addictive behavior. People who are chronically stressed, especially those who grew up in a particularly stressful or traumatic environment, are particularly at risk.

But you do not need to have had an unhappy childhood or even be an anxious person to fall into addiction. Stress is just a part of life, and we all go through periods where it is particularly bad. During these times, everyone develops a coping mechanism. Because humans tend to be more vulnerable during times of high stress, some of these coping mechanisms may be less healthy or more dangerous than others.

In other words, there is no “type” for addiction. There is a reason that stress makes us vulnerable to falling into addictive behaviors, and it comes down to physical changes in your genes. These are called epigenetic changes.

Epigenetic changes are, essentially, information that gets added to your genetic code. They alter gene expression, including the brain’s reaction to and regulation of reward hormones such as dopamine. This is one major reason why severe stress — such as the loss of a loved one or a traumatic experience — can make someone more vulnerable to addictive behaviors, even if they haven’t exhibited them in the past.

If My Relatives Are Addicts, Am I Bound to Become One, Too?

Scientists now believe that genetics are about half of the “recipe” for substance abuse. But just because your family members have struggled with addiction, it does not mean you are doomed. There are a lot of factors at play, even down to simple access.

The bottom line is that if addiction “runs” in your family, you may be more likely than the average person to develop addictive behaviors. But this also depends on your environment, stress levels, trauma coping mechanisms, access to substances, and, to some degree, personal choices.

It is always good to be aware of your family history and take it into account, especially during times when you are feeling vulnerable. But it’s also important to remember that you are an individual, and your genes do not necessarily determine every factor of your life.

Many people who have seen substance abuse in their family avoid drugs and alcohol altogether. This may be because they are worried that they will become addicted or simply because they have seen the devastation that substance abuse can have on a person’s life and relationships. This is an absolutely viable choice if you decide to avoid substances altogether.

What Can I Do if I’m Worried?

Genes are not the only things we inherit from our parents. We also learn to model their behaviors and learn about stress responses from their example. Our experiences during childhood can also affect whether we are prone to substance abuse, especially if there was trauma, neglect, or violence.

If you are worried about your chances of developing an addiction or you suspect you may already be struggling with an addiction, one of the best things you can do is to talk to a friend or relative about your concerns. This can be frightening or embarrassing, but it is the first step to getting support. You can also speak to a medical professional. They may be able to refer to a local support group, rehabilitation facility, or other resources.

Many people who suspect they might have an addiction feel embarrassed, distressed, or frightened. For this reason, they might feel more comfortable talking to someone anonymously. The good news is that there are many resources online that offer remote support through chat or texting.

Getting Started With Inner Voyage Recovery

At Inner Voyage Recovery, we offer support through a combination of therapies to help individuals battling addiction, trauma, mental health disorders, and more. If you think you may need professional support for substance abuse, our doors are open to give you all the resources you need to get started. Get the help you need today by calling our Woodstock, GA, office at (470) 523-4606 to speak with an admissions counselor.

The Dark Side of Prescription Drugs: Exploring the Risks

Prescription drugs are designed to treat specific medical conditions and should only be used as prescribed by a healthcare professional. However, some individuals may engage in the misuse of these medications, unaware of the serious consequences for their health and well-being. Here is some information about prescription drugs and their potential for abuse in the wrong circumstances.

How Are Prescription Drugs Abused?

Prescription medications are typically available in pill, capsule, or liquid formulations and are administered orally. The misuse of prescription drugs encompasses three main behaviors:

  1. Deviating from the prescribed method or dosage of medication
  2. Consuming medication that has been prescribed to someone else
  3. Taking medication with the intention of experiencing its psychoactive effects

If any of the behaviors above describe you or someone you know, speak to a licensed addiction specialist or seek treatment from a prescription drug rehab center as soon as possible.

Types of Prescription Drugs at Risk for Abuse

Prescription drugs often include concentrated ingredients that may produce psychoactive (mind-altering) effects, which is the primary reason for their misuse. There are three primary categories of drugs that are frequently subject to abuse:

  • CNS depressants
  • Stimulants
  • Opioids

CNS Depressants

Central Nervous System (CNS) depressants encompass a range of prescription drugs, such as sedatives, tranquilizers, and hypnotics. These medications have the ability to decrease brain activity, which makes them valuable in the treatment of conditions such as anxiety, panic disorders, acute stress reactions, and sleep disorders.

However, when an individual uses CNS depressants over an extended period, it is possible that they may require higher doses in order to achieve the desired therapeutic effects. Prolonged usage of this product may result in the development of dependence and withdrawal symptoms if the usage is suddenly reduced or discontinued.

When individuals experience a CNS depressant overdose, it is common for breathing to slow down or cease entirely.

Common CNS depressants include:

Xanax® (Alprazolam)

Xanax is a benzodiazepine prescribed to treat certain anxiety and panic disorders. However, excessive or non-prescribed use of this medication can cause memory impairment, suicidal ideation, and paranoia, among other symptoms. Taking Xanax in combination with other substances, such as alcohol, can cause breathing problems or death.

Valium® (Diazepam)

Valium is used to treat anxiety, acute seizures, muscle spasms, and even alcohol withdrawal. Sometimes, Valium may be given before anesthesia during a surgical procedure. Similar to Xanax, benzodiazepines like Valium can cause life-threatening side effects when combined with alcohol or other drugs.


Prescription stimulants are drugs used to treat conditions including narcolepsy, in which the patient has sudden and uncontrolled bouts of sleepiness, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Prescription stimulants have the ability to enhance the activity of brain chemicals such as dopamine and norepinephrine. Dopamine plays a crucial role in the reinforcement of rewarding behaviors, while norepinephrine has a significant impact on various physiological processes within the body, such as blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory function.

When taken in high doses, prescription stimulants can potentially result in severe health complications, such as elevated body temperature, irregular heartbeat, cardiac failure, and seizures. It is crucial to exercise caution and adhere to prescribed dosage guidelines to minimize any potential risks associated with these prescription drugs.

Common stimulant prescription drugs include:

Ritalin® (Methylphenidate)

Ritalin is prescribed for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in both children and adults, as well as to help individuals reduce impulsivity and hyperactivity. On the other hand, it is also classified as a Schedule II substance as defined by the Controlled Substances Act. Substances classified as Schedule II drugs, such as cocaine and methamphetamine, possess a significant risk for abuse.

Adderall® (Amphetamine/Dextroamphetamine)

Adderall is a medication that is prescribed for the treatment of ADHD and narcolepsy. However, there is significant misuse of Adderall by individuals who do not possess a valid prescription for this medication. This may be primarily due to the fact that Adderall contains amphetamine, a powerful stimulant substance.


Prescription opioids are commonly prescribed to manage moderate to severe pain, particularly after surgical procedures, injuries, or in cases of health conditions like cancer.

Receptors are natural chemical structures that send messages throughout your body, and they play a significant role in regulating sensations of pain and pleasure. When opioids bind to these receptors, they effectively inhibit the transmission of pain signals from the brain to the body. Additionally, they stimulate the release of significant quantities of dopamine throughout the body. However, this release has the potential to reinforce drug usage, which can put the patient at risk for addiction.

When an individual engages in the improper use of a prescription opioid, they may choose to orally ingest the medication in its intended form. People may also sometimes smash tablets or open capsules, dissolve the powder in water, and then inject the liquid into a vein. In addition, there are individuals who choose to inhale the powder.

Overdosing on opioid prescription drugs often results in slowed or stopped breathing. As a result, insufficient oxygen supply to the brain can lead to severe consequences such as a coma, irreversible brain damage, or even death.

Common opioid prescription drugs include:

OxyContin® (Oxycodone)

OxyContin is an opioid analgesic (painkiller) typically produced in extended-release tablet or capsule form. This method of delivery carries the potential for users to develop opioid addiction, abuse, and misuse. Additionally, it increases the risk of overdose and potential fatality due to the higher concentration of oxycodone present in the medication.

Percocet® (Oxycodone/Acetaminophen)

Percocet consists of a combination of acetaminophen and oxycodone. Acetaminophen is a pain reliever with less potency that can, however, enhance the effects of oxycodone. This prescription drug carries a high risk for addiction and dependence. Furthermore, the consumption of this substance in excessive amounts or in conjunction with other substances, such as alcohol or illegal drugs, can lead to severe respiratory complications and even death.

Know Where to Find Prescription Drug Rehab in Atlanta, GA

If you have any concerns or questions regarding your prescription drug medications, consult with a healthcare professional who can provide you with appropriate guidance and support. Prescription medications may be just as harmful to a person’s health and life as illicit drugs. If you believe that you or someone close to you may be at risk of prescription drug addiction, know there is help available.

At Inner Voyage Recovery Center, our prescription drug rehab programs in Atlanta, GA, are personalized to meet each individual’s needs, offering effective holistic modalities to help you champion a lifestyle without the need for substances.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our programs, our helpful admissions team is here to assist you. Contact us today at (470) 523-4606.

What Makes Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) So Effective?

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) has proven effective across several clinical industries. It is a productive way to address challenging behaviors and help people work through them. While we can repeat that this form of therapy is very effective, the question still remains: what makes DBT so effective? DBT can be helpful in the healing process of a number of disorders. Not only does it help patients internally, but it is also valuable for social wellness. Continue reading to learn more about DBT and why it is such a powerful form of therapy.

What Is DBT?

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a form of therapy that is derived from the more common cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). While DBT borrows many practices from CBT, there is one thing that sets the two apart significantly. Dialectical behavior therapy was designed for people with intense emotional experiences. It was developed in the 1980s as a treatment for borderline personality disorder. Since then, it has become a key treatment for other conditions.

Dialectical behavior therapy is specifically designed for those who have a challenging time with behavior management and regulation. DBT is generally recommended for people with the following conditions:

  • Borderline personality disorder (BPD)
  • Eating disorders
  • Self-harm and suicidal behaviors
  • Depression and anxiety

During treatment, therapists attempt to find a balance between accepting one’s self and the benefits of change. The end goal is to improve emotional regulation through new skills. After the treatment plan is completed, success is measured with the following criteria:

  • Decrease in self-harming behaviors
  • Better emotional regulation and anger management
  • Decrease in inpatient hospitalization
  • Decreased drug and alcohol misuse

The effectiveness of DBT is dependent on each person and their goals. However, those who thrive with this form of therapy see exceptional results.

How Does It Work?

DBT is centered around four key aspects. Although treatment is highly structured, it varies by person. These are the four skills that every person learns in dialectical behavior therapy.

Mindfulness: One of the first ways that a therapist will promote wellness is through mindfulness. This involves becoming aware of one’s thoughts, actions, and emotions so they can successfully work through them down the line.

Distress Tolerance: With this skill, individuals learn how to cope in moments of distress. When situations become challenging, it can be hard to accept them and let go. They might feel the urge to react in a way that is not beneficial to their healing. For this reason, DBT aims to make distress tolerance a significant factor.

Emotional Regulation: Patients typically have trouble with emotional regulation when they begin treatment. This principle helps them regulate and identify emotions and find different ways to cope with them.

Interpersonal Effectiveness: Interpersonal effectiveness refers to the ways in which a person communicates with others. Whether they need to be kinder with their words or learn to establish healthy boundaries, the therapist will dive deeper to understand their current communication habits and improve them.

Who Does DBT Help?

While DBT is a common and effective form of therapy, it is most suitable for certain conditions. Here are a few.

Borderline Personality Disorder

As mentioned previously, DBT was initially used as a treatment method for borderline personality disorder (BPD). This is a condition in which a person experiences extreme emotions. The person generally has difficulty managing emotions and behavior, trouble with self-image, and a pattern of unstable relationships.

With BPD, dialectical behavior therapy is used to manage these symptoms, especially in cases where the person with BPD also self-harms.

Eating Disorders

In eating disorder treatment, DBT is used to manage the individual’s extreme emotions when it comes to eating. DBT is most commonly used for patients with bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder.

Depression and Anxiety

When patients with depression and anxiety struggle to manage their emotions and communicate with others, dialectical behavior therapy may be suggested to them. In treatment, each of these issues is addressed separately, and patients are encouraged to develop alternate coping strategies.

Why Is It So Effective?

DBT is highly effective because of its structure. Because handling such diverse and intense behaviors leaves little room for error, those who are trained in DBT are often very strict in their approach. Like other therapies, DBT is individualized. Therefore, the treatment for each person varies slightly, with only one thing remaining: the structure.

The end results of this type of therapy are also impactful in a number of different ways. Here are a few ways that DBT is beneficial for patients.

Improving Relationships

One of the main things that extreme behaviors are notorious for is destroying relationships. However, recovery and proper management of any illness cannot be done alone. Something that DBT focuses on heavily is the improvement of relationships, not only with one’s self but also with others in their life. Learning to create healthy relationships can be valuable through difficult times.

Improving Quality of Life

The goal of DBT is to help individuals live more fulfilling and meaningful lives. This is done through emotional regulation, behavior management, and relationship building. While a person may have some trouble with the lessons taught in DBT, they are encouraged to be challenged and know that it is not a bad thing. These lessons carry on through their lives and can drastically improve their quality of life.

Learn More About DBT With Inner Voyage Recovery Center in Atlanta, GA

There are various reasons why dialectical behavior therapy is so effective. Our team at Inner Voyage Recovery Center in Atlanta, GA, offers DBT as a therapy option for patients who can benefit from it. Your mental health is important to us. That is why we offer several treatment options that cater to our patient’s individual needs.

If you are searching for quality treatment for addiction and mental health disorders, look no further than Inner Voyage Recovery Center. Our team of professionals is knowledgeable, experienced, and eager to help. Contact us today to learn more about our therapy options and to take a tour of our facility.

How Borderline Personality Disorder Looks Between Genders

Borderline personality disorder is a common mental health disorder. Like many mental health disorders, there are disparities in the ways it is diagnosed between genders. While there are both biological and situational factors that play a role in the causes of this disorder, there still seems to be a gap in the number of men who get diagnosed with this disorder. Although the statistics say one thing, are there other reasons why more women seem to be diagnosed with BPD?

Continue reading to find out more.

What Is Borderline Personality Disorder?

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental health condition that impacts the way a person thinks and feels about themself. It is characterized by extreme self-image issues, challenges with maintaining stable relationships, and difficulty managing emotions.

While it is unclear what the exact cause of BPD is, there are certain factors that seem to remain the same across the board. Some research suggests that BPD is linked to genetics, while others have shown that it is linked to brain abnormalities. Additionally, certain environmental factors like childhood abuse or neglect can be listed as probable causes.


Every case of borderline personality disorder is different. While the condition affects how a person feels about themselves, there are other signs and symptoms that are more subtle. These include the following.

  • An extreme fear of being abandoned.
  • A pattern of unstable relationships.
  • Impulsive and risky behaviors.
  • Mood swings that can last from a few hours to a few days.
  • Inability to manage emotions, which results in intense anger or physical violence.

The symptoms of borderline personality disorder usually appear in early adulthood. It is a condition that seems to have the worst effects in young adulthood, and it may get better with age. However, receiving therapy is one of the most effective ways to manage the symptoms of this condition.

Borderline Personality in Men vs. Women

Although the rates of borderline personality disorder are seemingly equal among men and women, it is more likely that a woman will receive a diagnosis. This can be attributed to several reasons.


There has been a significant distinction between the way men and women present symptoms of BPD. Women who struggle with borderline personality disorder show signs of other conditions. These include eating disorders, PTSD, and anxiety and stress disorders.

On the contrary, men have been shown to have more explosive tendencies. Instead, they often struggle with substance use disorders, narcissistic personality disorder, and antisocial disorder. In fact, the conclusions of this study by the NIH state just that.

Although the presentation of symptoms varies between genders, it has been noted that there are still similar levels of emotional distress between the two genders. Because of this, both genders with borderline personality disorder had similar results when self-harming and suicidal behaviors were studied.


Socialization plays an intricate role in the differences in diagnoses between genders. The simple fact is society has preconceived biases about how individuals of different genders should behave. For this reason, more “manly symptoms,” like explosive and intense behaviors from a woman, might be considered abnormal. While “feminine” symptoms from a man may yield the same reactions.

This bias in socialization can be one of the most significant contributors to the inability to diagnose and adequately treat borderline personality disorders in some instances.

Setting and Treatment

Of the many reasons why it may seem that more women have BPD than men, setting plays one of the largest roles. The symptoms that each person presents will influence the type of treatment they receive or if they receive treatment at all. These biases can lead to a lack of adequate treatment as well as potential sampling biases.

The symptoms that are more noticed in women, such as eating disorders and mental health disorders, will likely be addressed in a rehabilitation setting. On the other hand, aggressive and explosive tendencies that are more common in men will likely lead to a correctional setting. In these cases, the men are less likely to receive diagnoses and are treated for their behaviors and not their condition.

Answering the Big Question

So, do more women have borderline personality disorder, or is it more difficult to diagnose men?

The answer to that question is yes. It is more challenging to diagnose men. However, it is not as simple as one may think. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, nearly 75% of people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder are women. While men may be equally affected, there are several reasons that they are more commonly misdiagnosed or undiagnosed.

Here are a few theories about why this may be the case.

  • Men may be less likely to seek help than women. In the case of BPD, they will go undiagnosed if they do not seek treatment.
  • Men might be treated for the other conditions that they are showing signs of. Instead of being treated for borderline personality disorder, they are treated for only their substance abuse.
  • As mentioned previously, aggressive behaviors that remain untreated are more likely to lead to a correctional facility than a rehabilitation one. Men with BPD are more likely to end up in jail than to receive the treatment they need.
  • There is a possibility that the mental health professionals who are diagnosing and treating BPD in men are biased.

Find Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder in Atlanta, GA

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, seek treatment at the Inner Voyage Recovery Center in Atlanta, GA. Our team of professionals is equipped with years of experience treating several mental health disorders and substance use disorders. We provide the best care for all of our patients and ensure that their needs are never ignored.

For the best borderline personality disorder therapy in Atlanta, GA, look no further than Inner Voyage Recovery Center. We are eager to help you address and manage your BPD. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you or to take a tour of our facility.

How Long Do Benzos Stay In Your System?

Although many benzodiazepines are legally prescribed, they are still misused and, therefore, tested for in drug tests. If you have a drug test coming up for a new job or a sports team tryouts, you may be worried about benzos showing up on your drug test. If you are concerned about how long these drugs will stay in your system, you have come to the right place. Benzos are a complex class of drugs. If you or someone you know is battling an addiction to these substances, do not hesitate to get help.

What Are Benzos? 

Benzodiazepines, or benzos, are prescription drugs that are generally used as sedatives. Much like alcohol or marijuana, these substances are depressants, meaning they slow down the brain and other bodily systems.

Benzodiazepines are generally prescribed by physicians for anxiety, seizures, and insomnia because they have a calming effect on the brain. While these substances may be helpful for specific conditions, they are not recommended for long-term use. When an individual takes benzodiazepines, it calms their overwhelmed brains and allows them to sleep and feel less anxious.

In a medical setting, benzodiazepines can also be used as anesthesia, for panic disorders, and as treatment for alcohol withdrawal. The most common types of this drug include the following.

  • Xanax,
  • Valium,
  • Ativan,
  • Klonopin.

Regular use of these substances comes with several dangers. For this reason, benzos are not recommended for long-term use. Prolonged use of benzos can lead to dependence and tolerance issues that cause withdrawal symptoms when an individual attempts to stop drug use.

Why Are You Tested for Benzos?

Because of the severe effects of benzos, they can impact an individual’s ability to perform daily activities in the workplace. This is especially true if these substances are being misused. When and why an individual is tested depends on the employer. The use of these drugs can put the employee and other staff at risk.

Benzodiazepines are depressants, meaning they slow down the brain and other bodily functions. This is incredibly dangerous when handling heavy machinery, driving, or when the lives of others are in your hands. These substances can slow an individual down to the point where they forget to breathe. The symptoms of these substances are too significant to be ignored.

How Long Do Benzos Stay In Your System?

How Can Benzos Be Detected?

Drug tests come in many varieties. The most common type of drug tests are through urine or blood. Other forms of drug tests include saliva swabs and hair testing. With these substances, it is not always possible to detect them through a urine test. Therefore, testing is generally done through blood samples.

This does not mean that they are entirely undetectable through other types of tests. In fact, benzos can be detected in urine for up to ten days after ingestion. The timeline for saliva is much shorter, with a window of only 2.5 days.

These figures are all dependent on a few other factors. For example, certain drugs are more potent, take effect faster, or have longer-lasting effects. This can also be impacted from person to person. An individual’s weight, height, metabolism, and frequency of use can all have an impact on the results of the drug test.

Overall, it can take days or even months for the body to eliminate these substances. Here is a more detailed breakdown of the longevity of benzos in the body.

How Are Benzos Detectable in Your Blood?

The short answer to this question is 24 hours. However, there is more that goes into the determination of this answer.

The detection of benzos in the blood varies depending on how long the person has been taking them and how high the dosage is. Someone who has taken a low dosage with a short-acting time may absorb and eliminate the drug faster than someone who has taken it consistently for months at high dosages.

The detection of a substance can also be dependent on the drug. For example, blood tests can detect Xanax for up to five days after initial use.

How Are Benzos Detectable in Your Urine?

As mentioned previously, benzos can be detected in urine for up to ten days. This also depends on the drug that has been taken. Benzodiazepines that are more short-acting, like Halcion, are only detectable after 24 hours. This is because the body metabolizes and expels the drug fairly quickly.

More moderately-paced substances like Xanax and Ativan are detectable for up to five days after use. Long-acting substances such as Valium can be detected for up to eight days after use.

How Are Benzos Detectable in Your Hair?

Like many other drugs, benzodiazepines can be detected in the hair for 90 days or more. Labs that use this type of testing can determine if a person has taken the substance in the last four weeks. This is possible because the hair on the body does not grow as fast as the hair on the head.

In some cases, they can be detectable for 4-6 months.

How Are Benzos Detectable in Your Saliva?

Out of all the testing methods, saliva tests fall somewhere in the middle. In saliva, Xanax can be detected for two and a half days after ingestion. These tests are not as common as others when testing for benzos because they are more expensive. Better options for testing are also available.

Reach Out to Inner Voyage Recovery Center for Help With Benzodiazepine Addiction

At Inner Voyage Recovery Center in Atlanta, Georgia, we treat multiple substance use disorders, including benzodiazepine addiction. If you are looking for a judgment-free place to begin your path to recovery, Inner Voyage Recovery Center is the place for you. Addiction does not discriminate, and neither do we. We offer drug rehab to residents of Atlanta and its surrounding areas. Your recovery matters to us. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, contact us at Inner Voyage Recovery Center to begin building and taking back control of your life.

Why Marijuana Is Not as Harmless as You Think

In the past few years, we have watched as more and more states fight for the legalization of marijuana. The most repeated argument is that marijuana is a harmless substance. While the drug has become more mainstream and even legal in some states, the effects remain the same. Just like alcohol, opioids, and other addictive substances, marijuana can be just as dangerous. Let us explore the dangers of this substance and debunk a few common myths associated with it.

What Is Marijuana?

Marijuana, also known as weed or pot and a plethora of other slang terms, is a drug that is derived from the dried leaves of the cannabis plant. There are several ways in which people use marijuana, such as smoking it or using vaporizers. Users of this drug are typically drawn to the calming effect that it has on the body.

The primary chemical in marijuana is THC. This chemical allows people to experience a sense of euphoria and relaxation. Although the “high” that marijuana offers is not as extreme as some other substances, there are still significant side effects to its use.

What Are the Effects of Marijuana on the Body?

When smoked, the THC in marijuana is passed from the lungs throughout the bloodstream. There are both long-term and short-term effects of prolonged marijuana use. While individuals may experience a “high” after ingestion, like any other substance, it becomes a possibility that the individual will build up a tolerance and require a higher dosage to feel satisfied.

In the short term, the effects of using this drug include the following.

  • Changes in mood,
  • Difficulty thinking and problem-solving,
  • An altered sense of time,
  • Impaired memory.

On the other hand, long-term use can result in more significant consequences. Some of these consequences include:

  • Impaired brain development,
  • Hallucinations,
  • Delusions,
  • Psychosis.

Why Is Marijuana Dangerous?

Like alcohol, marijuana is a substance that is highly accessible and used by underage individuals. Just like any other substance that alters brain chemistry, marijuana is addictive. Regardless of the adverse effects, teens and preteens around the nation are being exposed earlier and earlier. In fact, studies have shown that large percentages of middle and high-school-aged students reported vaping.

One of the reasons that this substance is so dangerous is because of the popularization in today’s society. When a teenager whose brain and body are not fully developed begins to use this drug recreationally or frequently, it can pose a massive risk to their overall development. According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), marijuana use can have permanent effects on a developing brain when regular or heavy use of the drug starts in adolescence.

Not only is marijuana dangerous for adolescents, but it can also have severe impacts in adulthood. When people become accustomed to using marijuana, they can develop a dependence and an addiction without even realizing it. For women who become pregnant, they might experience symptoms of withdrawal when they can no longer use marijuana. Other dangers of marijuana use include the following.

  • Impaired driving,
  • An increased risk for mental health problems,
  • Lung diseases,
  • Problems with child development during pregnancy and after.

Individuals might also experience symptoms of withdrawal when they attempt to quit use. These side effects can include grouchiness, decreased appetite, anxiety, and disinterest in things that would otherwise be important.

Debunking Myths About Marijuana Use

There are many misconceptions about marijuana use that aim to glorify the use of the substance. Whether it is legal or not, there are still negative consequences to the use of the drug. Here are a few myths that are associated with marijuana use and the truth behind them.

You Can’t Be Addicted to Marijuana

Like any other substance that offers a feeling of calm and euphoria, marijuana can be addictive. Not only does it alter the way an individual experiences things, but it also provides a desirable feeling that keeps a person coming back for more. When a person’s mood can be altered because they have not had a substance in a certain amount of time, that points to signs of dependence and addiction.

In fact, some individuals have reported that they are unable to eat or sleep without the drug. Long-term users of the drug have reported a variety of withdrawal symptoms, such as irritability and cravings, after a long period without the drug.

Marijuana Is Safer Than Other Drugs

This could not be further from the truth. Individuals who use marijuana have impaired judgment. In fact, in some states where the drug is legal, it is still considered a crime to drive impaired. If caught driving while high, it is considered driving under the influence (DUI). This is because the drug impacts reaction time and motor coordination and impairs a person’s overall judgment.

Marijuana Is Good for Your Mental Health

Some might be convinced that because the drug offers a calming and relaxing sensation, it is good for your mental health. This is false. In fact, the use of the drug has been shown to worsen the symptoms of mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression. The short-lived feeling of euphoria is temporary. After that feeling passes, the same underlying problems still exist.

Reach Out to Inner Voyage Recovery Center for Help With Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana can be just as addictive as other substances. Like alcohol, legal does not mean safe. It is still a substance a person can become addicted to. At Inner Voyage Recovery Center in Atlanta, Georgia, we treat multiple substance use disorders, including marijuana addiction.

If you are looking for a judgment-free center to overcome your marijuana addiction, Inner Voyage Recovery Center is the place for you. Addiction does not discriminate, and neither do we. We offer drug rehab to residents of Atlanta and its surrounding areas. Your recovery matters to us. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, contact us at Inner Voyage Recovery Center to take a tour of our facility. Let us help you live on your terms again.

What Are Roxies?

They are sometimes referred to as roxies or blues. They can ease pain and improve lives – but they can also have devastating effects when used improperly. What are roxies, and what do you need to know about them to keep yourself and your loved ones safe?    

What Are Roxies?

Roxies is a slang term for Roxicodone, which is a prescription medication that is most commonly used to treat people who have been experiencing moderate to severe pain. Roxicodone is usually taken by mouth in tablet form. The medication is sold in 15 mg and 30 mg versions. It may sometimes be administered as a liquid.

Roxicodone is a brand name. The analgesic (painkilling) substance in Roxicodone is oxycodone hydrochloride, which is a semi-synthetic opioid. In other words, the answer to the question “What are roxies?” is that they are oxycodone pills.

Roxies are very similar to OxyContin, which is another brand-name medication that contains oxycodone. One of the primary differences between these two medications is that OxyContin is a controlled-release medication that is designed to act for an extended period, while the effects of roxies are typically felt more quickly, but don’t last as long. 

Like other opioids, roxies can reduce pain, improve mood, and cause a sense of euphoric relaxation. When someone is experiencing pain due to a medical concern, these effects can be extremely beneficial. Unfortunately, they also make roxies popular among people who are seeking a recreational high.

What Are the Effects of Roxie Abuse?

Now that we’ve answered the question, “What are roxies?” let’s talk about what can happen when someone uses them improperly. People who abuse roxies can usually be divided into two general categories:

  • People who received a prescription for Roxicodone from a licensed physician, initially took the medication as directed, but then began to take it more frequently or in larger doses than they were supposed to
  • People who were never prescribed roxies, received them from an illicit source, and began taking them either to self-medicate or simply to get high

No matter why a person begins to abuse roxies, this behavior puts them at risk for considerable harm. Here are examples of the many negative effects that can result from Roxicodone abuse:

  • Cognitive impairments
  • Liver damage
  • Slowed heart rate and breathing
  • Physical harm due to impaired judgement and coordination
  • Problems in school and at work
  • Academic failure
  • Job loss
  • Conflicts within relationships
  • Being arrested and jailed
  • Overdose
  • Death

Are Roxies Addictive?

In addition to causing the effects listed in the previous section, roxie abuse can also lead to addiction. When a pattern of substance abuse turns into an addiction, this means that the individual has begun to lose control of their ability to limit the amount and frequency of their drug use. 

The following signs may indicate that you or someone you care about has become addicted to roxies:

  • Intense cravings for roxies
  • Lying to doctors about symptoms in order to get prescriptions for Roxicodone
  • Acquiring Roxicodone that was prescribed to someone else
  • Significant changes in mood, attitude, and energy level
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Unexplained financial difficulties
  • Withdrawing from family and friends
  • Frequently missing school or work, or failing to meet other important responsibilities
  • Combining roxies with alcohol or other drugs
  • Becoming agitated or physically ill when unable to use roxies
  • Continuing to use roxies even after incurring physical, psychological, or social harm due to prior use
  • Spending an inordinate amount of time thinking about, using, and recovering from the effects of roxies
  • Needing to use larger amounts of roxies to experience the desired effects

Untreated roxie addiction can also increase a person’s risk for anxiety, depression, and a variety of additional co-occurring mental health disorders. But when someone gets effective care from a reputable provider, they can end their roxie abuse and achieve successful recovery.

What Happens in Treatment?

There is no single, standard form of addiction treatment that works for everyone. When you are seeking help for yourself or a loved one, what’s most important is that you focus on finding the treatment provider whose services align with your needs and expectations, or with those of your loved one.

If you get help in an outpatient treatment facility, one of the first steps will be to determine which level or levels of care are right for you. At Inner Voyage Recovery Center, your options include:

  • Partial hospitalization program (PHP)
  • Intensive outpatient program (IOP)
  • Outpatient rehab
  • Young adult program

Within each of these programs, you may have the opportunity to take part in a variety of therapeutic activities. Therapy can help you make the behavioral and lifestyle changes that will support long-term recovery. The potential benefits of therapy include:

  • Learning about the disease of addiction and the process of recovery
  • Identifying your triggers (circumstances that can push you back into roxie abuse)
  • Developing the ability to respond to triggers in a healthy manner
  • Practicing conflict resolution and stress management skills
  • Understanding how to rebuild relationships that were damaged by your roxie abuse
  • Discovering healthy ways to spend the time that you previously devoted to roxie abuse
  • Sharing support with others who are also walking the path of recovery

Find Treatment for Roxicodone Addiction Near Atlanta, GA

Inner Voyage Recovery Center is a premier provider of customized outpatient care for adults who have become addicted to Roxicodone and other substances. We also treat individuals whose struggles with addiction are accompanied by certain co-occurring mental health concerns. Our center near Atlanta, Georgia, is a welcoming and compassionate environment where you can get personalized help from a team of dedicated professionals. 

The day you enter treatment at Inner Voyage Recovery Center, you take a significant step toward a much healthier future. To learn more about our programs and services or to schedule a free assessment, please visit our admissions page or call us at your earliest convenience.

Are Alcohol Withdrawal Tremors Normal?

Alcohol withdrawal tremors are among a variety of unpleasant symptoms that may occur when a person who has become addicted to alcohol abruptly stops drinking. Alcohol withdrawal can be extremely difficult – and in some cases, it can also be dangerous. But when you get proper professional help, you can complete this process with your health intact and take an important step toward an alcohol-free future.

What Are Alcohol Withdrawal Tremors?

When you struggle with alcohol addiction, your body adapts to the presence of this drug in your system. This is why, as your addiction progresses, you will find that you need to drink more in order to experience the effects that you previously achieved much quicker. (This is known as developing tolerance.)

The way your body adapts to the presence of alcohol also affects what happens to you when you try to quit drinking, or when you are prevented from acquiring and using alcohol. In these circumstances, your body may react with a variety of unpleasant physical and psychological symptoms. This is known as withdrawal. 

Shakiness or trembling – which are also referred to as alcohol withdrawal tremors – are common symptoms among people who are trying to quit drinking after an extended period of compulsive alcohol use. Depending on the nature and severity of your past alcohol abuse, you may begin to experience alcohol withdrawal tremors within six to 12 hours after your last drink. 

Though alcohol withdrawal tremors are fairly common, they can vary significantly from one person to the next. Some people have moderate tremors, some have more severe shaking, and some don’t experience any alcohol withdrawal tremors at all.

Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal

Even if you don’t experience alcohol withdrawal tremors, the process of ridding your body of alcohol can still be quite distressing. The following are examples of other common symptoms of alcohol withdrawal:

  • Intense cravings for alcohol
  • Anxiety, agitation, and irritability
  • Depression
  • Excessive perspiration
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Powerful headaches

In severe cases, people who have been drinking heavily for an extended period of time may experience a condition that’s known as delirium tremens (or the DTs).  

It is important to understand the DTs are not the same thing as alcohol withdrawal tremors. The DTs are a potentially life-threatening set of symptoms that can include:

  • Dangerously elevated heart rate
  • Elevated body temperature
  • Psychomotor agitation
  • Severe disorientation
  • Hallucinations
  • Seizure

The DTs typically begin about 48 hours after a person’s last drink, and they can last for as long as five days. According to an August 2022 article, experts estimate that 37% of people who develop the DTs would die if they didn’t receive effective treatment. 

The Benefits of Detox for Alcohol Withdrawal Tremors

As we noted earlier, alcohol withdrawal tremors and other common symptoms of alcohol withdrawal can be sources of considerable distress, especially when a person tries to get through this experience without seeking professional care. 

However, when a person enters a detoxification, or detox, program, they can complete alcohol withdrawal safely and with minimized discomfort.

Here are a few of the many beneficial features of detox:

  • Alcohol-free environment: If you try to get through alcohol withdrawal on your own, the tremors, cravings, and other symptoms can quickly become overwhelming. If you have easy access to alcohol, it may be virtually impossible to suppress your urges and endure the distress that you know can be alleviated by drinking again. While you’re in detox, that temptation will be removed.
  • Experienced professionals: The pain of alcohol withdrawal can be exacerbated by fear of the unknown. How bad will your symptoms become? How long will they last? Can these symptoms jeopardize your health or even endanger your life? When you’re in detox, you will be under the care of experienced professionals who are familiar with all aspects of the recovery process and prepared for any contingency that may arrive.
  • Medication and therapy: Depending on the nature and severity of your alcohol withdrawal symptoms, the detox professionals who care for you may provide both medical and therapeutic support. Certain prescription medications can keep you safe and ease some symptoms. Various forms of therapy can help you manage other symptoms and prepare for successful, long-term recovery. 
  • Success and hope: When you are in the depths of untreated addiction, you may begin to believe that you are beyond help. Completing detox can be a significant accomplishment. It can also be evidence that you are capable of more than you may have realized. The sense of success and hope that you experience when you complete a detoxification program can be a source of both inspiration and motivation as you work to progress in your recovery. 

Find Help for Alcohol Addiction in Atlanta, GA

If you have been struggling with an addiction to alcohol, Inner Voyage Recovery Center is here to help. Our alcoholism treatment center near Atlanta, Georgia, provides life-changing detox services as well as multiple levels of outpatient care. Every step of the way, you can expect to receive customized care and comprehensive support from a team of dedicated professionals. Don’t let untreated alcoholism rob you of one more day. To learn more about our programs and services, or to schedule your free assessment, visit our admissions page or call us today.

How Drug Addiction Effects The Family

Drug addiction doesn’t just affect the person using substances, drug addiction affects the entire family. It can affect husbands, wives, children, sisters, brothers, Moms, Dads, and more. Nobody is immune from the lingering effects drug addiction can have, and maladaptive coping mechanisms can go on to affect multiple generations down the line.

In this article, we will outline some of the ways substance abuse can affect your loved ones. If any of these situations sound familiar to you or are situations that you would like to avoid, be sure to learn more about our drug rehab in Atlanta to help you kickstart your journey to full recovery.

How Drug Addiction Effects The Family

How Drug Addiction Effects Children

Of all the family members in the household, the children are often affected the most. Growing up with a parent who is an alcoholic or a drug addict can cause emotional and mental issues, from loneliness and guilt to anxiety and depression. To make matters worse, the children who grow up with these negative emotions typically carry them through every aspect of their life, causing them to seek therapy at best or continue the cycle of addiction at worst.

All mental and emotional side effects aside, children can also be physically affected by substance abuse in the home. For instance, a pregnant mother abusing drugs or alcohol can cause their unborn child to develop abnormally, or an abusive parent relying heavily on substances may hurt the children in many seen and unseen ways.

In other cases, the household’s finances being taken over by expensive drugs and alcohol can lead to children not receiving the education they need nor the food they require to grow properly. Additionally, financial strain can lead to turbulent home life and even homelessness. In a sense, drug addiction negatively affects every aspect of a child’s life and well-being and leads to the long-term damage that may never fully heal.

How Drug Addiction Effects Significant Others

Those who marry an addict may find out about the problem only later on in the relationship. Such a scenario can cause the marriage to deteriorate and ruin any hopes of reconciliation. Oftentimes, this situation leads to a messy, bitter divorce which can worsen the substance abuse issue as a whole. If that does not happen, the partner will likely have to take on a lot more responsibilities in the household, such as caring for the kids and earning enough income, leading to emotional strain and feelings of resentment.

In situations where both parents have a drug or alcohol addiction, life may continue as usual. However, the environment within such a household is not one of happiness, joy, and care. Instead, it is typically fueled by hate and toxicity. Such an environment does not foster healthy relationships as, in most cases, both the abusers will rather focus on their drug satisfaction than nurture the relationship between them or with their children.

Regardless of the specifics of the situation, an environment with addiction at its center is not a place for children or adults. As you may have experienced firsthand, drug addiction causes hurt. It’s highly encouraged that the sober partner does their best to find professional help for their loved one before the damage becomes irreparable.

Find Drug Rehab Today Near Atlanta!

Substance abuse, whether with drugs or alcohol, is never a good thing. It hurts the individual struggling with the substance and, devastatingly, the family, friends, and other people close to them. If you or a family member is battling addiction, it is crucial that you work to find the appropriate professional care to overcome the pull of the substance.

At Inner Voyage Recovery Center, we offer three different levels of care that include Partial Hospitalization Programming, Intensive Outpatient Programming, and more. While the journey to recovery is not easy, tackling and overcoming addiction may be the thing you need to bring your family back to the way things once were, giving your loved ones a chance to live and enjoy the life they deserve. But remember, though it may be tough, you are not alone in this fight.

Inner Voyage Recover Center is a drug and alcohol rehab center with effective programs geared towards offering tailored solutions to help addicted individuals regain their lives once more. Get in touch with us today and see how we can help!

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